Teaching Squares

Teaching Squares

Would you like to:

  • Re-energize your teaching?
  • Talk with colleagues about best practices for teaching?
  • Observe other instructors in the classroom?
  • Collaborate and connect with other faculty members?
  • Reflect on your own teaching practices?

The Teaching Squares program improves teaching skills and builds community through an open and friendly process of classroom observation and shared reflection. The process involves the best aspects of peer evaluation — observation and discussion — while excluding judgment and evaluation. "Squares" are usually comprised of three or four faculty members who observe each others' classes. Participants in a square learn about the best practices of other faculty in order to improve their own teaching.

This year's deadline has passed.

This year, you will have two options for participation:

  • Option A: Apply as an individual with placement in an interdisciplinary group;
  • Option B: Apply as a small group of 3-4 faculty members (within a discipline or interdisciplinary) focused on a specific theme of interest (e.g., Universal Design for Learning, classroom engagement, group work, etc.); or

The Teaching Squares Process

Participants typically spend ten hours during one term in Teaching Squares activities, which includes: an initial meeting, three Classroom visits, and a "Square share" session with your peers (which usually involves dinner!). This year, we are incorporating one or more reflective sessions at the CTL Symposium, where participants will reflect upon their learning. While most of the program will take place during Winter term, the reflective session(s) will be held in Spring term, during weeks 5 and 6. 

Participants will receive a $400 stipend upon completion of the program and will be reimbursed for dinner expenses during the "Square Share."

Reimbursement Form 

Participants should print the reimbursement form, fill it out, and turn it in with itemized receipt(s) to Monica Hancock at fpd@lanecc.edu. Please note: reimbursements cannot be made for alcohol or amounts that exceed per diem rates ($29 per person).

For additional information, please contact the FPD Coordinator, Brooke Taylor, taylorb@lanecc.edu.