


Q. Where do I get the form to apply for funding for a conference, workshop, or course (outside of Lane)?

Answer: They are online on this website -- under "Professional Activities".

Q. How do I find out how much funding I have used up? Each faculty member can apply for up to $3000 to spend over a three-year period, but how much is available right now in of my FPD "account" ?

Answer: You may look up your balance from the "Professional Activities" page of the FPD website (see "Step Two"). Once you click on the link, enter your L#, using a capital "L." If this does not work for some reason, please contact Leah Smith at smithl@lanecc.edu.

The balance is "rotating," meaning that it is renewed each year with the amount of funds you spent three years earlier.

However, remember that this money is "theoretical" - not actual. This means that its availability is on a term to term basis...we have approximately $36,000 per term to spend on activities for all faculty. So the main idea is "early bird gets the worm" or "first come, first served," in the sense that the money could possibly run out for any given term.

Q. Can I submit an application for the conference I went to last week? Or the one that I'm going to tomorrow?

Answer: Applications must be submitted before an event takes place. If you alread attended the conference, it is too late to apply.

Q. If I have been approved, can I just give everything to my department admin person and let them take care of it like a regular travel?

Answer: When you receive your award letter, it will contain instructions on what to do. Please be sure that you read the entire letter and follow all the instructions. Not following the instructions can delay your reimbursement.

Q. When is the deadline for sabbatical applications?

Answer: Please see the Sabbatical page. The deadline comes early each Winter term.

If you have more questions, please contact Faculty Professional Development Coordinator Aryn Bartley at bartleya@lanecc.edu.

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