Discipline Contact Grants

Discipline Contact Grants

Discipline Contact grants allow faculty within disciplines at Lane to learn about and participate in the discussions and research taking place within professional organizations, industry groups, other schools, grant-funded projects, etc. Each LCC discipline group (approximately 70 disciplines) may be given a grant of up to $750 for this purpose. This money can be used for:

  1. Professional memberships and licenses
  2. Journal subscriptions
  3. Books (books in content areas and/or in pedagogy)

This money is not to be spent on instructional materials, but rather for specific memberships, journals, fees, etc. related to your discipline and/or to pedagogy in your discipline. As funds are limited, please apply only for necessary expenditures to ensure equitable distribution of funds.

How to Apply:

To apply, fill out the Discipline Contact Funding Request Form. Please coordinate with members of your division to submit one request per discipline. You will be contacted soon after submitting the request. 

Funding Process:

There are three ways to process the funding:

  • Credit Card Payment: If the payment can be made via credit card, FPD now has the capability to make that payment for you.  Please send all the necessary information to Monica Hancock (fpd@lanecc.edu), along with a copy of the email from Brooke Taylor approving the funds, and she will take care of that payment for you.
  • Personal payment for reimbursement from FPD.  Steps to follow: 1) One of the people involved in the application purchases the materials listed in the application, saving the receipts.  2) Complete the FPD Check request form. Please note, the new check request form replaces the previous process of emailing receipts to Monica Hancock (fpd@lanecc.edu).  
  • Department payment for reimbursement from FPD.  Steps to follow: 1) The department pays for the materials.  2) Once the payment is posted to ExpressLane, the department takes a snapshot of the screen showing the expense, highlight the expense and email it to Monica Hancock (fpd@lanecc.edu). 3) Monica will complete an ICO to transfer the funds between FOAPs.