Democracy Conversation Series

Democracy Conversation Series

The current climate of political polarization has created deep uncertainty about the discourses and practices that uphold democracy in the United States. The Democracy Conversation Series will bring Lane faculty and invited experts into conversation about democratic values and principles as they relate to current topics and events. The series will explore how civic discourse inside and outside the classroom is impacted by challenges to democratic values, and aims to increase the LCC faculty’s confidence in addressing, facilitating discussion of, and building curriculum around democratic values. 

Upcoming Events:

Friday, Feb 9 at 11 AM, FPD will host an informal discussion on academic freedom issues in higher education, led by Anne McGrail, instructor in LLC. The event will take place in the Center for Teaching & Learning (CEN 303) and Zoom.

The discussion will focus on the article A Threat to Democracy: Florida's Agenda to Dismantle Public Higher Education by Dilys Schoorman and Rosanna Gatens which describes the erosion of academic freedom through legislation in that state, and the larger ideological forces at work  to dismantle higher education. The article is part of a themed volume in the Journal of Academic Freedom (Vol 14), freely available from the publisher.