Process for Faculty to Attend League Conferences

League for Innovation Conferences

Process for Faculty to Attend League Conferences

As a board member college of the League for Innovation in the Community College, Lane supports faculty participation in both League conferences, the fall STEMTech Conference (this conference will no longer be held after Fall 2015), as well as the spring Innovations Conference.

An open process for selecting attendees is in place which is intended to encourage Lane faculty to present at League conferences and to encourage Faculty Recognition Awardees to attend the Innovations conference.

A total of four faculty members may be funded to attend League conferences with a maximum of two faculty per conference.

Preference will be given as follows:

  1. Faculty members selected to present at the conferences will be given first priority. (Presentation selection is conducted by League for Innovation conference staff, not by Lane.) If more than two faculty members are selected to present at each conference, preference will be given to the two faculty giving different presentations; in other words, one faculty member will be funded per presentation. If more than two proposals have been accepted, proposal abstracts will be used to select the two.
  2. Faculty members who have been selected for a Lane Faculty Recognition Award will be given second priority to attend the Innovations conference where each award recipient in attendance will be recognized.
  3. Faculty who have submitted a presentation proposal but not selected to present will be given third priority, and
  4. Faculty who wish to attend without presenting will be given fourth priority.  Preference will be given to faculty members who have never attended a League conference.

This process is separate from the existing Professional Activities (short-term leave) process, and faculty may continue to apply for Professional Activities funds to attend League conferences.

Proposal deadlines will be announced through the Weekly, and faculty are encouraged to check the League web site for conference specifics.

For additional information contact the President's Office or Lane's League Representative, (541) 463-5011.