Teaching Course for Faculty

New Dimensions: An Interactive Teaching Seminar 

This program is on hiatus.

This highly interactive course presents an invitation for faculty across disciplines to explore the practices and insights of highly successful teachers. Whether you have been teaching for two years or twenty, this course offers a forum to examine contemporary research on components that define excellent college teaching to uncover what the best college professors do. During the quarter each participant will have the opportunity to shape their course of study and contribute their expertise. Join us for this unique course constructed by faculty for faculty.

The course is taught in a hybrid format, with online coursework during weeks 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 of the term. In-class, face-to-face class meetings will be held during weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 (Thursdays, 3:30-5:30pm).

Here is what past participants have to say about the course:

"Overall, this class provided me with time to reflect on my teaching, discuss teaching with other colleagues, and design some new ways to do old things, Thank you for this great opportunity."

"It is wonderful to share ideas with engaged teachers from across the disciplines. The quality of the faculty at Lane continues to impress me. I was glad to read in Bain's book that the best teachers are a diverse bunch. This inspires me to continue to forge my own path and mindfully experiment as my career progresses."

"I must say this course has been fantastic! I have received reinforcement that many of the things I am already doing are "what the best college teachers do", so that is always nice. .I can see that I have grown and some of my ideas have changed as a result of taking this course. We bring forth a world filled with our experiences, knowledge, and attitudes. My time in this course has enabled me to bring forth a slightly different, richer, and potentially more fulfilling world than before. Bravo!"

"The major strength of the course was that it framed teaching as a revolutionary activity, the purpose of which is to make students develop as human beings within the context of society and nature.  A second important strength of New Dimensions is that it brings together instructors from different parts of the College.  This is significant because our experiences as instructors are substantially different.  It's critical to understand the situating framework other teachers experience and how they work within those frameworks."