
Designing Accessible Courses

Designing Accessible Courses

A Filipinx woman with a filtering face mask sits outside a cafe and writes in a notebook. She is wearing headphones and in front of a window, with potted plants all around. Mask optional.
A Filipinx woman with a filtering face mask sits outside a cafe and writes in a notebook. She is wearing headphones and in front of a window, with potted plants all around. Mask optional.

Creating an Equitable Learning Environment

Discover | Design | Develop | Deliver/Improve | Workshops & Training | Accessibility | Contact Us

As an instructor, you want to ensure that courses, web pages, and learning materials are accessible to all learners. This may include offering alternative formats of instructional materials, making students aware of Lane's disability policy, or guiding students to the Center for Accessible Resources [CAR].

Accessibility in distance education teaching, at its core, is about designing a course that students can make their way through easily. For a distance education course, this involves developing content that can be available in multiple formats, providing consistent and coherent navigation, and using universal design principles that support easy reading and use for all learners. We believe that every move toward accessibility enhances a course’s quality for all students, and our team would be glad to work with you at any point in your project to incorporate or build more accessible content.

The Accessibility Toolkit

Toolbox. Toolbox icons created by Freepik - Flaticon.comCheck out our new accessibility toolkit! It will contain resources that provide practical advice on how to make your documents, webpages, and courses accessible. We will be posting tools for using Ally, math and science equations, H5P, video/audio, and many more.

Let us know if have a tool you'd like to see on the list. Drop us an email if you need a little one-on-one assistance. We are here to help. Contact or



Accessibility Checklist for Distance Education Courses

Checklist from FlaticonsThis is the place to start if you want to make documents, webpages, or courses more accessible. Being proactive rather than reactive is much easier. The accessibility checklist and Moodle Ally can be used together to aid in the creation of new accessible course materials as well as the analysis and identification of present accessibility concerns. Think of this as your baseline.

Accessibility Checklist for Distance Education Courses 

The ID Services Calendar of Events 

Calendar. Calendar icons created by FlaticonCheck out the calendar for upcoming events.
For full workshop or training event descriptions go to Workshops and Training.
Not seeing what you need? Do you have an idea for a workshop? Contact



Current events

Nothing is scheduled at this time.

Coming soon:

Foundations of Course Design (FCD):
10 hours at your own pace, asynchronous modality.
Next session: Winter 2024 

Teaching Pairs: Improving Your Distance Education Course
Hybrid cohort, approximately 10-12 hours, 4-weeks
Next session: February 4, 2024


[web or print]
These guides are our top picks, designed to help you develop and improve your courses. From best practices to accessibility, we've got you covered!

Professional Development

Explore the course development options below and chart your course! In most cases, faculty can be paid for course development time. 

Core Process:

Let's Chat!

Whether it's a quick email question, a brief get-together, a full session on a particular topic or you want to review and refine the accessibility of your course, we're here to help.

Drop us a line at 



Discover | Design | Develop | Deliver/Improve | Workshops & Training | Accessibility | Contact Us

Contact ID Services at  |  Contact the ATC at   

Icons created by Freepik - Flaticon unless noted otherwise.