

Develop: Course Development Process

Computer showing course building. Graphic design icons created by Flaticon.comNow that you've become familiar with some of the common resources and tools, it's time to start working on your course. Common practice is to start by creating a plan that includes learning outcomes, activities and assessment ideas. Next, you'll dive into the LMS (Moodle) and create the actual Welcome/ Introductory block and set up your weekly course structure. Once you have the structure laid out, start working on the actual course components for Week 1. Use this format as your template for the rest of the term.

Be sure to refer to OSCQR, the Open SUNY Course Quality Review Rubric. It is an excellent resource for course building and is our guide for all course development work. Course building can be a daunting process–remember ID Services is here to help you every step of the way.

Funding for course development

The Instructional Design Services course development process is the path for faculty members to develop new courses or transfer existing ones into new delivery formats (using OSCQR as a guide). Upon completion of Foundations of Course Design  (FCD) and approval from the dean, faculty will work individually with an instructional designer and ATC staff for assistance in developing the course. This virtual workspace is a paid opportunity (up to 70 hours at the CD rate). 

The following document outlines the course development process:

""Project Funding
If you are interested in finding out more about course development options please fill out the following form and an Instructional Designer (ID) will contact you asap. Schedule a consultation meeting with an ID


Need help? Let's Talk!

Let's Chat letter "I" for information. Information icon created by Flaticon.comInterested in talking more about actual course building? Whether it's a brief get-together just to answer questions or a full session on a particular topic or software we're here to help. Schedule a course development consultation here and one of our team will be happy to meet. 

For workshops or training event information go to Workshops, Training, and Course Development.
Schedule a meeting or drop us a line at  idservices@lanecc.edu.


Cartoon diver. Take a deeper dive course related resources. Diver icons by Flaticon.com


Deeper Dive–Course Planning and Development Resources

Lane has several resources already available to assist faculty who want a head-start on course development. You will need to be logged into Moodle and/or your Lane Google Suite account to access some of the site-building materials.

IDS Moodle Course Template

We introduced the template in our design phase. Remember, the template can be quickly added to any Moodle course. It provides fill-in-the-blank resources that can be customized to fit your needs and style while making sure that necessary policies and procedures are in place. It also provides a predictable setup of assignments for students. This template is based on OSCQR.
IDS Course Template (Login to Moodle and enroll to view the template. You may unenroll at any time.)

Getting Started with your Welcome/Introduction Block and Week 1
This course development checklist is to be used as a guide for the initial development of your courses. The checklist is used in collaboration with the OSCQR. It covers creating the Welcome block/ introductory area and Week 1 of your course.
Take a look at the course development checklist: ID Services - Getting Started Guidelines

Lecture Alternatives

This is a topic of great debate and discussion. Deciding how to convey the lecture material covered in your face-to-face classes can be quite daunting to someone new to teaching distance education courses. The solution will depend upon what you teach. Lane has instructors teaching distance ed courses from Basic Anatomy to Introduction to Drawing and everything in between.

Let's discuss what works for you; Moodle books and lessons, online resources, video, audio, online presentations, viewing films, interactive lecture/exercises, using the LED lightboard and so much more! Let us know when you're ready to chat–we will find what works for you. idservices@lanecc.edu

OSCQR (Open Suny Course Quality Review Rubric)

One of the main concerns of faculty teaching courses in varying modalities is making sure all courses hold the same rigor and level of engagement. There are so many things to think about when developing a course; aligning work with institutional learning outcomes, learner engagement, social discourse, assessment and measurement, working with technology, and much more. With this in mind, we turn to the SUNY OSCQR model for creating quality courses. Use OSCQR as your guide to creating quality courses.
Open Suny Course Quality Review Rubric (OSCQR)


You've probably already completed the Foundations of Course Design (FCD) Inclusive Instructional Design module. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the resources available in our Designing Accessible Courses section of this website. You'll want to make your course and course documents as accessible as possible. We have another tool that can help–a Moodle plugin called ALLY.  ALLY is a system that identifies and helps make course documents and images more accessible. Once the documents and images are identified, we can work together to make them accessible. 

Related tools and resources:
For more in-depth information on accessibility go to ID Services Accessibility Checklist.
Use this handy cheat sheet to help you stay on track:  Accessibility Checklist Cheat Sheet.

Including Media in Your Course

Media-rich courses can offer students an engaging experience. We have many resources to help you include digital media in your courses.

Media Services and video recording: Need something beyond a screencast? Media Services can work with faculty to design and record digital offerings that enhance your course delivery. Our instructional design team can work with you to coordinate how, when, and where more complex digital media may be appropriate in your course.

Media Captioning: Did you know recent studies show more than half of students in online courses will use video captioning to enhance their learning? We can help you make sure your videos provide clear, accessible, and accurate captions. Academic Technology contracts with an outside captioning firm. Check with the ATC for more information.

Closed Captioning for Video and Audio Content (ATC)

The resources below are carried over from the Discovery phase but they will continue to be an asset in planning and building your course.


Discover | Design | Develop | Deliver/Improve | Workshops & Training | Accessibility | Contact Us

Contact ID Services at idservices@lanecc.edu    |   Contact the ATC at ATC@lanecc.edu   

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