
Delivering and Improving Your Course

Rocket as a metaphor for launching your course. Rocket icons created by Freepik - Flaticon.comLaunching your course (delivery)

Are you ready for prime-time? Can’t figure out when (or where, or whether) to use a forum? Not sure why your assignments look so strange? Can’t figure out exactly how to use screencasting? What did happen to your grade book?! There are several things to consider before you make your course available to students. Our ID team and the ATC can help you make sure you are ready.  Contact the or for a final review or assistance.

Course Refresh

Course Refresh is on hiatus. Details for the new process and for flexible funding opportunities will be announced soon. We are still here to help you with all phases of course development throughout the summer term. If you are interested in finding out more about course development options please fill out the following form and an Instructional Designer (ID) will contact you asap.

Schedule a consultation meeting with an ID

Teaching Pairs: Improving Your Distance Education Course

Team up with colleagues to improve your distance education course through a structured, evaluative process of course review and reflection. We will set up a framework for peer review of our distance education courses using OSCQR standards and the Teaching Pairs model. There are three required Zoom meetings and online time spent reviewing one another's courses. The project time commitment is approximately 10-12 hours in total. A $400.00 stipend is awarded at the completion of the project. This project is a joint effort between Academic Technology, Faculty Professional Development, and LCC faculty. Registration is required. Limited to 16 participants.

 Next sessions: 

Fall: No session offered

Winter (RSI Focus)

This term's workshop will emphasize regular and substantive interaction (RSI) as a key component of effective online teaching, focusing on how to foster meaningful engagement with students in the distance learning environment.


(Check with ID Services for other course development opportunities.)

Let's chat about launching or improving your course!

Let's Chat letter "I" for information. Information icon created by Flaticon.comNeed a pep talk before launching your course? Have a few last-minute questions? Whether it's a brief get-together just to answer questions, a full session on a particular topic or you want to review and refine your course, we're here to help. Schedule a consultation–one of our team will be happy to meet with you. 

For workshops or training event information go to Workshops, Training, and Course Development.
Schedule a meeting or drop us a line at


Cartoon diver. Take a deeper dive course related resources. Diver icons by


Deeper Dive–Course Delivery and Improvement Resources



The ATC and your ID team are available to look through your courses for potential accessibility trouble spots. The Center for Accessible Resources will assist you when a student presents an accommodation request. Want an informal check? Run Yuja Panorama, our new Moodle plug-in used for running accessible document checks. Check your documents against the Accessibility Checklist. Ask your ID for help by emailing

Course Assessment

Are you ready for an in-depth walk-through with an Instructional Designer? We know by now you've been working with OSCQR, the research-based, customized course quality rubric designed originally at the State University of New York System. This course rubric provides measures with current best practices to create a class that emphasizes regular student engagement and meaningful assessment. Our ID team can help you assess your course with the OSCQR rubric and the following checklist. 
View the checklist: ID Services Course Quality Check [Review]


Discover | Design | Develop | Deliver/Improve | Workshops & Training | Accessibility | Contact Us

Contact ID Services at    |   Contact the ATC at   

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