
APR Year One

APR Year 1

APR Year 1

Phase 1: Self Study and Phase 2: External Peer Review
Phase 1: Self Study and Phase 2: External Peer Review
Timeline Goals
Timeline Goals


  • Draft inquiry questions within the discipline
  • Gather data


  • Evaluate, synthesize, and produce draft of the APR report


  • Submit final APR report
  • Host external peer review

Academic Program Review is a faculty-led collaboration with administration. This inquiry process provides program faculty, staff, students and Deans an opportunity to assess the strengths and weaknesses of academic programs and plan for improvements. During year 1 of the six-year cycle, the process is organized around a self-study and an external peer review. Six focus questions provide the parameters for the self-study and help organize data collection and frame recommendations for improvements.

The Program Review Committee (PRC), headed by a faculty lead, has access to a dedicated APR coach, an Assessment liaison, and consultations with Institutional Research (IR). See resources below and in the resources page for important information and guidance.

For college-wide information, please see Planning and Institutional Effectiveness web pages, especially the Program Review, Department Planning, and Data links.

For Student Learning Assessment at Lane, please see Student Learning Assessment

Lane's unique inquiry model of Academic Program Review is organized around the 6 Questions: 3 from program faculty, 1-2 from the Administrative Management Team, and 1 from APROC. But you will find that all program reviews share similar features and so we provide these discipline models. We recommend you look at several and use Lane's Handbook to suit your program's needs.

Below are posters illustrating how some Lead Faculty and their teams have approached the year 1 self-study. Click on the links below to view the posters.

In the video below, Christina Howard, Faculty Coordinator of the Physical Therapy Assistant Program, discusses her experience of the process.


APR Resources and Examples You will find: APR process and context as well as institutional resources, templates, instructions, compensation & forms, curriculum development and examples from other educational institutions. 

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