List of Academic Programs
On this page you will find:
- Information about defining a program for APR
- A list of programs undergoing APR (here's a link to a dynamic list of programs and the scheduled for APR)
- Guiding language for defining programs at Lane
About Defining a "Program" at Lane
At Lane, the definition of an academic program is based on outcomes, articulation/transfer considerations as well as integrated functions. The list of programs was developed via a 12+ month dialogue that involved faculty, instructional deans, and the initial APROC Chair, Anne McGrail.
"All credit-bearing courses and related academic activities (such as the Library and Tutoring Services) undertake Academic Program Review. The college uses multiple criteria to group all academic courses into meaningful units for the purposes of assessment, analysis, planning, alignment, and improvement. These criteria, which are evolving with Lane's research and experience with APR, include: a common set of outcomes (e.g., Writing or Physical Therapy Assistant); a related set of outcomes (e.g., French and Spanish Languages); articulation/transfer considerations (e.g., Engineering Mathematics); integrated institutional function (Tutoring or Academic Technology)."
Programs Undergoing Academic Program Review
1) 2D Art
2) 3D Art
3) Academic Learning Skill (ALS)
4) Adult Basic and Secondary Education (ABSE)
5) Anatomy and Physiology
6) Anthropology
7) Art History
8) Automotive Technology
9) Aviation Maintenance
10) Aviation Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
11) Aviation: Professional Pilot
12) Biology
13) Business Management
14) Chemistry
15) CIT Network Operations
16) CIT Software Development
49) CNC Machining, formerly Manufacturing Technology
17) Communication Studies
18) Construction Technology
19) Criminal Justice
20) Culinary Arts and Hotel/Restaurant/ Tourism Management (CAHRTM)
21) Cyber Security (added 2019)
22) Dance
23) Dental Assisting
24) Dental Hygiene
25) Diesel Technology
26) Drafting
27) Early Childhood Education
28) Earth and Environmental Science
29) Economics
30) Education
31) Emergency Medical Technician & Paramedic
32) Energy Management
33) ESL: Community English (CEP)
34) ESL: Intensive English (IEP)
35) Ethnic Studies
36) Fabrication and Welding Technology
38) Film Studies (added 2021)
37) Fitness and Lifestyle Specialist
39) Geography and GIS
40) Geology (added 2021)
41) Graphic Design
42) Health Education
43) Health Information Management
44) History
45) Human Services
46) Journalism
47) Language Studies: Spanish, French (Chinuk WaWa & ASL added for the 2nd cycle)
48) Literature
50) Mathematics: Career-Technical (CTE)
51) Mathematics: Developmental (Dev Ed)
52) Mathematics: Engineering (ENG)
53) Mathematics: Transfer
54) Medical Assistant
55) Multimedia Design
56) Music
57) Music Technology
58) Nursing
59) Nutrition
60) Philosophy
61) Physical Education
62) Physical Therapist Assistant
63) Physics and Astronomy
64) Political Science
65) Psychology
66) Sociology
67) Sustainability Coordinator
68) Theatre
70) Women & Gender Studies
71) Writing