



Institutional Integrity


Marketing and Public Relations


(541) 463-5828

Primary Contact

Rebecca Long

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Executive Director of External Affairs


This procedure delineates responsibility for the review and approval of all College advertising, describes the approval process, and specifies the format and required information for all College advertising.


Communications with prospective students, including catalogs, publications, and official statements, should be accurate and consistent. Any advertising, excluding employment or legal ads from the Human Resources or Purchasing departments, must be approved by the Marketing and Public Relations department. This requirement encompasses a wide range of advertising formats, including but not limited to:

  • Print ads (newspapers, magazines)
  • Radio promotions
  • Television advertisements
  • Physical display ads, including signage and banners
  • Digital platforms and social media
  • Streaming services
  • Microsites
  • Search Engine Optimization or Google Search Advertising

The Marketing and Public Relations team reviews these advertisements to ensure they are accurate, clear, grammatically correct, well-designed, consistent with the college’s branding, and compliant with state and federal regulations. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services, external facing website development, or Google Advertising should also be conducted in consultation with the Marketing and Public Relations department, as well as the Web Team, to ensure consistency, efficacy, and accuracy with current collegewide efforts.

Guidelines for Advertising

  1. Visual Advertisements:
    • Lane Logo: All visual advertisements must include the Lane Community College logo. For guidelines on logo usage, visit the Marketing and Public Relations web page on logo use.
    • Affirmative Action Statement: All print advertisements aimed at student and employee recruitment must include the college's affirmative action statement: "an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution."
    • Department Identification: Ads placed by departments should clearly list the department's name and provide a contact phone number, email, website or other contact information.
  2. Design and Content:
    • Professional Design: Print and digital ads should be created with professional design and typography, involving the Director of Marketing and Strategic Communications prior to design and purchase of space/time.
    • High-Quality Images: Photographs and videos used must be high quality, portraying subjects and the college positively. For most cases, subjects in photographs and videos must consent to their image's use by signing a photo/video release form. Appropriate photos and videos may be available through Marketing and Public Relations. For questions regarding the use of other photos and videos, please contact the Director of Marketing and Strategic Communications for further discussion.
    • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): Photos and designs should reflect the college's commitment to DEI, ensuring representation is thoughtful and inclusive of diverse communities. This commitment means employing an equity lens in selecting photographs and designing advertisements to ensure representation is thoughtful and inclusive of diverse communities.

Date Adopted

Monday, December 1, 2003

Date Last Reviewed

Tuesday, July 2, 2024