COPPS is the College Online Policy and Procedure System. Questions about COPPS should be directed to Kyle Schmidt, COPPS custodian.

Adding, Revising, or Removing Procedures

Consult the Procedures: Adding, Revising or Deleting procedure in COPPS.

Adoption of new Policies

  1. Review the differences between policies and procedures
  2. Make a copy of the new policy template
  3. Draft your policy, using the copied policy template
  4. Determine if the new policy is a part of governance.
    1. If no, then have the new policy approved by the Responsible Executive Authority. Then skip to step 6.
    2. If yes, then have the policy approved by the appropriate governance council.
  5. The council chair should send the new policy to College Council for approval. The policy may be approved on first reading, but more commonly will be read twice, with a vote for approval on second reading and time to incorporate feedback between readings.
  6. After approval by college council, the originating council chair should send the new policy should then be sent to the COPPS Custodian, with the college council chair copied. The COPPS custodian will:
    1. Work with the indicated Responsible Executive Authority to determine if the policy needs further review by counsel
    2. Send the policy to the President for approval and signature
    3. Send the approved policy to the college webmaster for posting and the college archivist for inclusion in the college archives.

If the president is unable to approve a policy, based on legal review or otherwise, then the COPPS custodian will ensure the policy is returned with explanation to either the originator of the new policy (for policies not a part of governance) or to both the College Council Chair and the chair of the governance council which originated the policy (for policies that are a part of governance).