About the Digital Tool Hub

About the Digital Tool Hub

This Digital Tool Hub is a space for faculty, staff, and students to find and explore recommended, approved, and supported tools available to them and provide a space for innovation in teaching and learning. 

For Faculty it is a resource to make a more informed decision when looking for a change or a new tool for their courses around consistency, accessibility, cost, privacy, and other key factors that affect the learning experience.

For Students it is a resource to find what digital tools are already available to them. These can help students in their studies, coursework management, and other needs they may need for their activities at Lane.

For help desks it provides a tool to identify and communicate recommendations that will be: 

  • More consistent with what’s already in use. 
  • More informed on what is the best choice for accessibility, cost, security, privacy, etc.
  • What is already approved or recommended by different parties at the college.

Tools recommended in this catalog are reviewed for various aspects to ensure high-quality recommendations such as trustworthy sources, user reviews and feedback from external sources, security, and other indicators shown in our Digital Tool Rubric. 

Know of another tool used at Lane for education? Let us know by filling out this form(link is external) and we can review it for the Digital Tool Hub!

Have any questions? Contact us at DigitalToolHub@lanecc.edu.


Your Responsibilities


As a user of our Digital Tool Hub, it is your responsibility to use software in a manner that aligns with Lane's policies and standards. This includes protecting college resources and data by ensuring compliance with relevant policies, storing sensitive information in approved systems, and facilitating equitable access for all users, including those with disabilities.

You are individually accountable for any software installed on your devices and must adhere to the terms and conditions of software licenses. While we strive to provide support for a wide range of applications, please note that some may not be directly supported by the college. All software usage is subject to our policies, and you must review our guidelines on software procurement and licensing compliance. The college cannot be held liable for damages resulting from the installation or use of software obtained through our hub. We appreciate your cooperation in respecting copyright laws and using digital tools responsibly.

Relevant Policies: