




Institutional Integrity

Governance Council

College Council

Primary Contact

Celia Wright

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

General Counsel


This policy states the College's position with respect to privacy rights of its employees and students. Lane Community College employees and students shall have the same rights of privacy as any other citizen and shall surrender none of these rights by becoming members of the academic community


Lane Community College employees and students shall have the same rights of privacy as any other citizen and shall surrender none of these rights by becoming members of the academic community. No inquiry shall be made into the private activities of Lane employees and students away from the campus, where their behavior is subject to regulation and control by public authorities, except as specifically required by college policy or Oregon Administrative Rules 581-022-1730 and OAR 309-018-0150.

All student and employee records shall be maintained in strict compliance with state and federal regulations and college personnel procedures (for example, see Personnel Files).

Information acquired by college employees about a student's views, beliefs and political associations is confidential and is not to be disclosed unless required by state or federal law.

Date Adopted

Tuesday, August 1, 2000

Date Last Reviewed

Monday, September 1, 2003
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