Adobe Creative Cloud

Tool Type

Content Management/Authoring

Who Uses It?

Students, Instructors, Staff


IT Approved



Accessibility Info

The creative cloud includes a wide range of tools that may not have features that are completely accessible due to their nature of visual editing. Review their VPATS (click the blue question mark above to learn what a VPAT is) to see each tool's level of accessibility.

Tool Description

Adobe offers an indispensable digital tool suite tailored for students and instructors at community colleges. Its PDF navigation feature ensures effortless browsing through documents, while the robust resource integration streamlines access to educational materials. Notably, its remediation capabilities empower users to address accessibility concerns, enhancing inclusivity. Moreover, the PDF editing feature enables seamless annotation and modification, facilitating collaborative learning and instructional content customization. In essence, Adobe equips its users with a comprehensive solution for efficient document management and enhancement, vital for academic success in a digital era.


Individual Subscription, Provided by the College to Employees

How to Get or Use This Tool

Students must be in a program that uses this software to get access. Employees can get access by contacting the IT help desk.


Mac OS, Window OS, Linux


  • Comprehensive Tool Suite: Adobe offers a comprehensive suite of tools catering to various digital needs, including graphic design, video editing, document management, and more, ensuring users have access to a wide range of functionalities in one platform.
  • Industry Standard: Adobe's software, such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and Acrobat, are widely regarded as industry standards, making them essential skills for many professions and providing users with valuable expertise applicable in diverse fields.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Adobe tools are designed to work seamlessly across different platforms, including desktop, web, and mobile devices, ensuring users can access and work on their projects from anywhere, anytime, without compatibility issues.
  • Regular Updates and Support: Adobe consistently updates its software with new features, improvements, and bug fixes, ensuring users have access to the latest tools and technologies. Additionally, Adobe provides comprehensive customer support and resources to assist users in maximizing their software experience.
  • Integration and Collaboration: Adobe tools often integrate seamlessly with each other, allowing users to streamline workflows and enhance productivity. Moreover, Adobe offers collaborative features and cloud-based services, enabling users to work together on projects in real-time, whether they're students collaborating on group projects or instructors providing feedback to their students.


  • Costly Subscription Model: Adobe's software typically operates on a subscription-based model, which can be expensive for users, especially for students and individuals with limited budgets, who may find it challenging to afford ongoing subscription fees.
  • Steep Learning Curve: Adobe's professional-grade software, such as Photoshop and Illustrator, can have a steep learning curve, requiring significant time and effort to master. This complexity may deter casual users or those new to digital design and editing.
  • Resource Intensive: Adobe software can be resource-intensive, requiring powerful hardware to run smoothly, which may pose challenges for users with older or less powerful computers, leading to performance issues and slowdowns.
  • Limited Offline Functionality: While Adobe offers cloud-based services and collaboration features, some users may find themselves limited by the need for a consistent internet connection to access certain functionalities, which can be problematic in environments with poor connectivity or while traveling.
  • Proprietary File Formats: Adobe's software often uses proprietary file formats, such as .psd for Photoshop and .ai for Illustrator, which may present compatibility issues when collaborating with users who do not have access to Adobe software or when transferring files to other applications.

Similar Tools

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Supported By

Academic Technology Center (ATC) -, IT Help Desk -

Last Updated: 05/31/2024 - 16:38