
Tool Type


Who Uses It?

Students, Instructors, Staff




Accessibility Info

Tool Description

Prezi is a web-based tool for creating presentations (called prezis for short). It’s similar to other presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint, but it offers some unique features that make it a good alternative. Features a single canvas instead of slides.


Free, Optional Individual Subscription

How to Get or Use This Tool

Students, instructors, and staff can create a Basic free account by signing up here.




  • Interactive and Engaging: Prezi’s advantage lies in its non-linear navigation. Unlike static slides, Prezi’s zoomable canvas allows you to show the relationship between the big picture and fine details. This interactivity keeps your audience engaged 12.
  • Creative Freedom: Prezi lets you be more creative than traditional PowerPoint. You can design dynamic lessons with features like zooming in and out, adding music, and more
  • Cost-Effective: Prezi offers a free version, making it accessible without requiring a paid subscription to make a presentation
  • Visual Appeal: Prezi allows you to create beautiful presentations with an engaging palette. It injects energy into linear PPTs.


  • Confusing Layout: Some users find Prezi’s layout confusing initially. It takes time and practice to perfect your Prezi presentations 2.
  • Paid Offline Access: Offline access to Prezi presentations may require a paid subscription.
  • Limited Data Visualization: Prezi’s data visualization capabilities are limited compared to some other tools

Similar Tools

MS PowerPoint, Google Slides, Biteable

Supported By

Not Supported at Lane.

Last Updated: 06/06/2024 - 13:26