
kaltura icon

Tool Type


Who Uses It?

Students, Instructors, Staff


Recommended by ATC

View the ATC Recommended Rubric



Accessibility Info

Minor accessibility issues include focus order moving to the top of the page when in the My Media page and chapter timeline functionality not being usable by screen readers. Accessibility of content is reliant on the creator to have accurate captions and transcriptions on both video and audio content.

Tool Description

Kaltura is a cloud-based video management system that can be used for storing, publishing, and streaming videos, video collections, and other types of media. It allows students and faculty to record/upload videos to share in their online classrooms.


Provided by the College to All

How to Get or Use This Tool

Kaltura is provided via Moodle for all students and faculty. For staff access, contact the ATC.


Web-based, Mac OS, Window OS, Mobile

Tool Resources


  • Learning Management System Integration: Kaltura seamlessly integrates with popular learning management systems (LMS) like Moodle. This makes it easy for instructors to incorporate videos into their courses.
  • Video Assignments and Assessments: Instructors can create video assignments, quizzes, and assessments using Kaltura. Students can submit video responses, enhancing engagement and creativity.
  • Secure Video Hosting: Kaltura provides secure video hosting, ensuring that educational content remains private and accessible only to authorized users.
  • Live Streaming: Colleges can use Kaltura for live streaming events such as guest lectures, conferences, and campus activities.
  • Interactive Video Features: Kaltura supports interactive elements within videos, such as clickable links, quizzes, and polls. This enhances student engagement and active learning.


  • Cost: Kaltura’s pricing can be a concern for educational institutions, especially smaller colleges with limited budgets.
  • Learning Curve: Some educators may find Kaltura’s interface initially complex, requiring training and support.
  • Technical Support: While Kaltura offers customer support, some users have reported mixed experiences with responsiveness and effectiveness.
  • Accessibility: Ensuring video accessibility (such as closed captions) can be challenging, especially for large video libraries.

Similar Tools

Zoom, Vimeo, ScreenPal

Supported By

Academic Technology Center (ATC) - atc@lanecc.edu

Last Updated: 05/22/2024 - 10:05