Fall In-service 2020

Fall In-service 2020

Update: Provost Paul Jarrell held a Faculty Town Hall on Oct. 15. The link to the Town Hall recording is now available. The corresponding presentations shared during the event may be viewed in a Faculty Town Hall October 2020 folder within Google Drive and viewers will need to be logged into their LCC Google account to access the presentations, which include: 

An Employee Town Hall was also held on Sept. 24. Here are the responses to the unanswered questions from that event and a copy of President Hamilton's presentation

Fall in-service 2020 will be held virtually on Thursday, Sept. 24, 2020, for those employees contracted to work on that day.* Employees will need to register for the Zoom link to attend the morning session and the afternoon town hall and Q&A with college leadership . A limited number of live breakout sessions will be offered, and employees will also have the opportunity to choose from a curated list of on-demand professional development opportunities. 

Morning session begins at 8:30 a.m. and begins with guest speaker, Dr. Michael Baston, President of Rockland Community College, who will facilitate an employee panel discussion focused on equity and access. 

Fall In-Service Schedule 

8:30 – 10:40 a.m. –  “Matter. We Do. We Can. We Must. ” A Conversation with Dr. Michael Baston and Employees 

10:45 a.m. - 2 p.m. - Live Breakout Sessions and On-Demand Options (See below for Zoom links and options.) 

2:00 - 3:00 p.m. - Employee Town Hall (Unanswered questions list and President Hamilton's presentation.) 

3:00 - 5:00 p.m. - Employee group meetings

*The LCCEA MOA on furloughs moved faculty in-service to July and made the week of Sept. 21-25 a non-contract, non-work week. 

Picture of Rockland Community College President Michael BastonFall In-Service Morning Session: "Matter. We Do. We Must." Guest Speaker, Dr. Michael Baston with LCC Employees

Rockland Community College President Michael Baston joins our fall professional development day for a conversation with employees focused on equity and access. Summer protests in our community and across the country have focused on police brutality and the systemic racism that continues to perpetuate racial disparities. In this conversation, a panel of employees will share their own experiences at the college and in the community and discuss why and how what we do matters if we want to move forward together to create more equitable opportunities for students, employees and our greater community. Special thanks to our employee panel: Brian Bull, Greg Evans, Stany Munaku and Claudia Riumallo. 

Fall In-Service Breakout Sessions 

We will have a limited number of "live" breakout sessions offered via Zoom facilitated by Lane colleagues, as well as opportunities for employees to choose from on-demand professional development seminars. This section will be updated with the live breakout session schedule and a list of suggested on-demand professional development seminars. No registration is required for the breakout sessions. 

On-Demand Professional Development Opportunities (Must be logged into Lane Gmail to access.) Explore on-demand options via LinkedIn Learning, LCC's Cultural Competency Professional Development, and professional organizations. To submit a link of a new opportunity, please email the information to Marsha Sills, sillsm@lanecc.edu

Live Breakout Sessions Facilitated by LCC Employees 

Please note: these breakout sessions do not require registration and participants will join with the. link at the designated session time. 

  • 10:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.: Introducing the Mental Health and Wellness Center - Terrie Minner Associate Dean of the Mental Health and Wellness Center and Title IX Coordinator; and Keelie Daquilanto Lead Project Coordinator Mental Health and Wellness Center/Title IX
    • New this summer, the college is excited to announce the introduction of the Mental Health and Wellness Center (MH&WC) on campus. The goal of the MH&WC is to provide early intervention assistance to students and coordinate mental health support across campus. The MH&WC provides confidential services including mental health counseling, crisis intervention, campus outreach, virtual supports, education, and prevention. Join us for a discussion about the center and services for students. 
  • 12:30 – 1:15 p.m.: Bond 2020 - Project Plan - Jennifer Hayward, Director, Facilities Management and Planning
    • After two years of master planning and college and community engagement, items to be funded with the bond have been set. However, we still need your assistance with planning some of the items, specifically ADA and safety projects. The presenter will give a brief overview of bond projects including what is already done, what is planned for the near term and what is planned over the next several years. The presenter will then lead attendees in a guided discussion regarding ADA and safety needs. There will be time for general bond Q&A at the end.
  • 12:30 - 1:15 p.m.: Institutional Accreditation at Lane - Tammie Stark, Accreditation Liaison Officer
    • During this presentation, the Accreditation Liaison Officer will answer the questions: What is accreditation? Where are we in the process? Where are we headed next? And, How can you help? Stop by to learn more about how you impact institutional effectiveness and how learning outside the classroom and assessment of that learning fits within accreditation. Learn more about: how program and service review are integral to continuous improvement and how it connects to your work; what types of curricular and non-curricular changes must be reported and when; how you can get involved; and where you can take a survey, which will help us to improve our communications and outreach activities. 
  • 12:30 - 2 p.m.: New Changes in Federal Title IX Regulations - Terrie Minner, Associate Dean of Mental Health and Wellness Center, Title IX Coordinator
    • Effective Aug. 14, Title IX (sexual misconduct federal regulations) went through some major changes that have a significant impact on colleges. It is essential that staff are aware and understand these changes and their role. Join us in this session where we will talk about the new regulations, how they differ from state laws, and what this means for Lane Community College.  
  • 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.: Where We Are Now - Talking about Race at LCC - Facilitated by Deborah Butler, Chief of Staff, and Russ Pierson, Dean of Florence Center
    • Modeled on the Oregon Humanities Conversation Project, this facilitated discussion is an opportunity to share your thoughts and reflections on the morning's panel and keynote, take stock of where we are as an institution, and set a stage for deeper conversation about race and privilege at Lane. This conversation is interactive and is open to all racial backgrounds, identities, and ideologies. To create space for participants to speak freely and openly, this session will not be recorded. 

Fall In-Service Town Hall and Q&A 

President Margaret Hamilton will share information about institutional priorities for the new academic year. After the presentation, Dr. Hamilton and college leaders will participate in a Q&A. 

Employee Group Meetings 

  • 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. - LCCEF General Membership Meeting. 
  • 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. - Managers Meeting.