Fall In-service 2021
Fall In-Service Week opportunities are planned Sept. 20-24 in preparation for the new academic year. Check for updates about the events listed as more information becomes available.
All activities are virtual and updates on registration information for Zoom links will be provided. Check back for updates here and in the Lane Weekly.
The college will hold its annual Fall In-Service Day from 8:30 a.m. to noon Thursday, Sept. 23, focused on the theme, “Moving Forward Together.” Register for Thursday's LCC Employee Fall In-Service here. View the morning session schedule.
Monday, Sept. 20 - Faculty Connections (Begins Sept. 17)
Faculty Connections is a faculty-led orientation and mentoring program that provides opportunities for faculty of all experience levels to participate. The program kicks off virtually on Friday, Sept. 17. New faculty and mentors are eligible for a small stipend. Registration is required.
Contact: Meggie Wright, wrightm@lanecc.edu
Tuesday, Sept. 21 - Faculty In-Service Morning Sessions and Sabbatical Presentations
"Caring for Ourselves, Caring for Others"
Faculty in-service sessions are planned from 9 a.m. to noon followed by sabbatical presentations that begin at 1 p.m.
View the schedule of live and on-demand sessions. The morning sessions culminate with an 11 a.m. keynote, “Bearing Witness as an Act of Love, Resistance, and Healing” with Dr. Mays Imad. Learn more about Dr. Imad and the keynote session. All are welcome to attend. Register for the keynote presentation.
View the schedule of sabbatical presentations scheduled from 1 to 3:30 p.m.
Contact: Aryn Bartley, bartleya@lanecc.edu
Wednesday, Sept. 22 - Departmental Meetings and Faculty Prep Day
Check with your department for information about faculty and departmental meetings that may be scheduled in the morning. Wednesday afternoon is reserved for faculty to prepare for fall term courses.
Faculty Course Prep Support: Visit the Virtual Academic Technology Center (ATC) for help with class prep. Drop-in with the Zoom link between noon and 5 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 23 - “Moving Forward Together: LCC Fall In-Service Day”
The campus community will meet from 8:30 a.m. to noon via Zoom. Register to receive the Zoom link. Need help connecting to the meeting in Zoom? Drop into the ATC from 8-9 a.m. for help getting into the morning session. View the schedule.
The morning session features presentations by President Margaret Hamilton, Provost Paul Jarrell, and other college leaders. Following the morning session, college leaders will provide information to prepare employees for our accreditation site visit scheduled Oct. 25-27.
Faculty, classified and managers will hold meetings with their respective employee groups in the afternoon. Look for meeting times and more info from your respective employee group and in the in-service schedule.
Register for LCC Fall In-Service Day.
View the full schedule, including employee group meeting times and info.
Contact: Marsha Sills, sillsm@lanecc.edu
Friday, Sept. 24 - Faculty Prep Day
Faculty Course Prep Support: Visit the Virtual Academic Technology Center (ATC) for help with class prep. Drop-in with the Zoom link between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.