
Information Technology: Technology Use Rights and Responsibilities





Governance Council

Infrastructure Council

Primary Contact

Brent Muñoz

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President of Information Technology


To establish guidelines for appropriate use of college technology resources, wherever accessed, for all authorized users.


Lane Community College ("College") owns and operates multiple information technology resources and communication systems in support of its educational mission. The Policy covers appropriate use of College Technology in computer labs, classrooms, offices and any location or resource where College Technology is accessed or utilized.

Privacy Interests

The College recognizes the privacy interests of faculty and staff and their rights to freedom of speech, participatory governance, academic freedom, and employee rights to engage in protected union and concerted activity. However, both the nature of electronic communication and the public character of College business make electronic communication less private than many users anticipate. For instance, all electronic mail is public record (ORS192) and is subject to inspection and disclosure and scheduled retention and disposition. Users should have no expectation of privacy in their use of electronic mail. In addition, College Technology can be subject to authorized and unauthorized access by both internal and external users. For these reasons, there are virtually no online activities or services that guarantee an absolute right of privacy, and therefore College Technology is not to be relied upon as confidential or private. Nonetheless, the College seeks to afford email communications privacy protections comparable to those it traditionally affords paper mail and telephone communications.

College Rights

System administrators may access files or monitor browsing activity on any college-own device or suspend services they manage without notice: 1) to protect the integrity of computer systems; 2) under time-dependent, critical operational circumstances; 3) as required by and consistent with the law; or 4) when it is reasonable to believe that violations of law or College policy or procedures have occurred. For example, system administrators, following organizational guidelines, may access or examine individual files or accounts based on suspicion that they have been corrupted, damaged or subject to unauthorized use or misuse.

User Rights

While the College monitors electronic usage as part of its normal network operating procedures, the College does not routinely inspect or monitor users' computer hardware or files, email, browsing history, and/or telephone message system, nor disclose information created or stored in such media without the user's consent. In the event that the College acts without user consent, under its College Rights specified above, the College shall do so with the least perusal of contents and the least action necessary to resolve the immediate situation. The College shall attempt to notify users when appropriate, after suspending service.

User Responsibilities

The Board recognizes that computers and networks can provide access to resources on and off campus, as well as the ability to communicate with other users worldwide. Such open access is a privilege and requires that individual users act responsibly. Users must respect the rights of other users, respect the integrity of the systems and related physical resources and observe all relevant law, regulations and contractual obligations.

For employees, the intended uses of College Technology are those which are reasonable and necessary for the pursuit of job duties; for students, the intended uses are those which are reasonable and necessary for the pursuit of instructional activities. Although personal use is not an intended use, the College recognizes that College Technology will be used for incidental personal activities provided that such use is within reason and provided that such usage is ordinarily on an employee's own time, is occasional, and does not interfere with or burden College operations.

"Unauthorized uses" include prohibited uses and any other use for a prohibited purpose, including illegal activities, messages which may constitute discrimination or harassment under state or federal law, or anything that interferes with the intended use. For examples of prohibited use please see the Appropriate Use procedure.

All users of College Technology must read, understand, and comply with this Policy, and any additional guidelines established by the College. Such guidelines will be reviewed by the College and may become subject to Board approval as a District policy or procedure. By using any component of College Technology, users agree that they will comply with this Policy.

Enforcement of the Policy

The Board directs the President or designee to enforce all existing federal and state laws and College policies, including not only those laws and regulations that are specific to computers and networks but also those that apply generally to personal conduct. Violations of this Policy will be dealt with in the same manner as violations of other College policies or standards of behavior and may result in disciplinary action, subject to applicable due process requirements.

Users who believe this policy has been misinterpreted or misapplied may file a complaint in accordance with the Complaint Procedures found in the Student Complaint procedure.

Students who do not observe the requirements of this Policy may be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct and subject to student discipline.

Nothing in this policy should be construed to interfere with First Amendment rights or with the freedom of inquiry and expression outlined in Board Policy BP620.

Date Adopted

Monday, October 6, 2014

Date Last Reviewed

Monday, October 6, 2014
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