This procedure offers the rationale for this guideline, and alternative methods of communicating. The electronic mail function which enables collegewide distribution of messages ("LCC Employees" distribution list) should be used only for messages of urgent, collegewide importance.
The electronic mail function which enables collegewide distribution of messages ("LCC Employees" distribution list) should be used only for messages of urgent, collegewide importance.
Only messages directly related to college business should be distributed using the "LCC Employees" distribution list. When sending messages using this distribution list, the blind copy (BC) field (not the To: or CC: field) should be used to avoid chain responses being sent to everyone.
General information of collegewide interest should be distributed through the Lane Weekly.
The purpose of this guideline is:
- To minimize network traffic;
- To minimize staff reading time (each global message consumes roughly four hours of staff time which equates to well over $200);
- To ensure college resources are used for college business (and not for peripheral or superficial issues); and
- To maintain the solemnity of the "LCC Employees" distribution list; i.e., when a message appears addressed to "LCC Employees", it should be regarded as highly important and read immediately.
When sending to a large distribution list, please include a statement that identifies the recipient groups (e.g. division faculty, department staff, manager group, etc.)