The formal complaint procedure is designed to resolve problems for students who are having difficulties with other students or staff that cannot be resolved through the informal report and resolution process, or that students choose to have investigated and judged in a formal setting. This procedure details the filing process and lists other types of complaint procedures. Although the process is confidential, a student's identity cannot be withheld from the person(s) identified as the source of the problem.
Before filing a formal student complaint, students are encouraged to attempt to resolve the issue with the manager of the area or division/department involved.
In addition, complaints against faculty cannot be pursued through this process. Student complaints about faculty members shall be made to the division dean who is that faculty member's supervisor and shall be subject to the dispute resolution procedures as outlined in the faculty contract. If the student believes that the supervisor has not resolved the issue, the student may appeal to the supervisor's Executive Dean.
Type of Complaint | Explanation | How to file a complaint | How to appeal a complaint outcome |
Academic issues: Grade & Degree Appeal | A student may appeal specific grades, probation and dismissal, and degree requirements. Students are directed to appropriate forms, documents, and departments to consult for specific appeal processes. | General Education Substitution and Waiver Petition | Appeals for issues related to Lane Community College's academic probation and/or dismissal policy must be made in writing to the Academic Progress Review Committee through Enrollment Services (Bldg 1). |
Discrimination or harassment | This discrimination and harassment complaint procedure is designed to provide all members of the College community with a process for reporting incidents of discrimination or harassment, and to provide for prompt and effective response to and resolution of reports of discrimination or harassment. | Complaint Form | Any appeal must be submitted via email sent to Code and Complaint Appeals within 5 working days of the date of the outcome letter. This appeal must allege a procedural violation. |
Sexual Misconduct and Stalking | A student may report to the College “Any sexual assault or physical abuse, including, but not limited to, rape, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, whether committed by an employee, student, or member of the public, occurring on LCC property, in connection with all the academic, educational, extracurricular, athletic, and other programs of LCC, whether those programs take place in LCC’s facilities or at another location, or on an off-campus site or facility maintained by LCC, or on grounds or facilities maintained by a student organization, is a violation LCC policies and regulations, and is subject to all applicable punishment, including criminal procedures and employee or student discipline procedures.” | Complaint Form | Appeals must be submitted in writing to within 15 business days of the outcome letter. This appeal must state a procedure irregularity, new evidence being submitted, or bias on the part of one of the staff assigned. |
Disability issues | The process by which students, staff, or members of the public may seek formal or informal resolution to an access complaint under the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act | Complaint Form | Code and Complaint Appealswithin five working days of receiving the resolution. The college will respond in writing. |
Faculty/Curriculum | Student complaints about faculty members or curriculum shall be made to the division dean who is that faculty member's supervisor. | Complaint Form | Appeal must be sent in writing to Code and Complaint Appeals within 5 days of the outcome letter. |
General | Examples of general complaints include staff, department, procedures, etc. | Complaint Form | Appeal must be sent in writing to Code and Complaint Appeals within 5 days of the outcome letter. |
The formal complaint procedure is set up to take no more than 50 working days. To have remedy under the formal complaint process, complaints must be filed within 90 days of the incident. Complaints filed more than 90 days after the incident will not be accepted.
Impartial Decision Makers
Complainants who do not feel that they have access to impartial decision makers under the procedure outlined below should immediately notify a campus advocate of their concern.
Assistance with the complaint process is available at Counseling, Student Life and Leadership Development and the Gender Equity Center.
Record Keeping
All records of the formal complaint process, including the complaint form and all reports and findings, are the property of the college. A formal complaint report that summarizes all formal complaints will be forwarded to the president, vice presidents and division/department managers on a periodic basis. No information that would identify the complainant or the accused will be included in this report.
Chart of Complaint Process
How to File a Formal Complaint
Step 1: The complainant Completes a complaint form.
Step 2: The complainant submits the complaint form online or brings a paper copy to the office of the Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs. The office is located on the 2nd floor of the Administration building (Building 3, Main Campus).
Step3: A Student Complaint Officer will be assigned or the complaint will be directed to the appropriate contact. The complainant will receive a letter via email with the contact person's information or the Student Complaint Officer's information as appropriate. The Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs will assign a Complaint Officer and will provide written notification of the complaint to the accused within five working days of receiving the complaint. Campus advocates are available to assist throughout this process. In some instances the Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs may choose to hear the complaint at her discretion.
Step 4: The Complaint Officer will conduct an investigation.
Step 5: The Complaint Officer notifies the complainant and the accused of their findings. Notification of findings will be sent within 20 working days of the complaint being filed. The complainant will receive the results of the investigation in writing. The complainant will review the findings and decide if they are satisfied with the results. If they are not satisfied with the results, they may proceed to Step 6.
Step 6: The complainant may appeal the ruling by sending an email to within five days of receiving the outcome letter. The Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs reviews the investigation and findings. The Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs may refer the appeal to a hearings committee at their discretion. If the Executive Dean was the original decision maker in the complaint, the appeal will go to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
Step 7: A final decision is made. The Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs will make the final decision on the appeal and notify the complainant and the accused in writing within 10 working days.