
Grades: Academic and Degree Appeals






Enrollment Success/Registrar


(541) 463-5686

Primary Contact

Dawn Whiting

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs


This procedure describes the options for which a student may appeal specific grades, probation and dismissal, and degree requirements. Students are directed to appropriate forms, documents, and departments to consult for specific appeal processes.


Grade and Academic Appeal Process

Removal of a Course from Cumulative GPA Calculation

To qualify for having a graded course removed from counting in the cumulative grade point average, the course must have a grade of B, C, D or F.  Pass/No Pass classes may not be used.  Each course may be retaken only once for this purpose.  If a course is retaken more than once, only the oldest course credits will be removed from consideration.  The repeated course credits must all be taken in one term and must be equal to or greater than the number of credits completed in the original course.

Upon completion of the course, if the student desires to exercise this option, the student must complete a Petition to Absolve Repeated Courses Form.

Enrollment Services will mark repeated courses on the record and remove the credits of the original course from the computation for the cumulative grade point average.  The original courses and grade will remain on the student's transcript.

Policies or Procedures That Can Be Challenged Through the Petition Process

The Academic Requirements Review Committee acts on student petitions covering extensions on college deadlines, waivers of college graduation requirements and other concerns as deemed appropriate.  The Academic Requirements Review Committee will not approve petitions solely for the purpose of improving your Grade Point Average or any other cosmetic reasons.  Examples of petitions that will be considered by the Academic Requirements Review Committee include:

  1. Substitutions to requirements for AAOT, AS, or AGS degrees;
  2. Waiver of requirements for AAS degrees and certificates;
  3. Requests to waive the last term requirement and complete at another college or university.

Student Petitions

Students requesting variance from a college academic policy or administrative procedure must complete an General Education Substitution and Waiver Petition Form.

Degree Requirements Appeals

An appeal for any waiver to the college's official degree requirements may be submitted in writing to the Academic Requirements Review Committee (through Enrollment Services).  The committee will review the appeal and make a determination within 40 working days of receipt of the appeal (the committee meets approximately once during Fall, Winter and Spring terms).

The Academic Requirements Review Committee is the last source of appeal.

Instructor Exceptions

The instructor may establish any reasonable method of grading, any reasonable attendance requirement, notice of student prerequisites, papers, tests, readings, and other requirements within guidelines established and listed in the course catalog. If exceptions to the criteria established in the course information sheet are allowed, instructors must follow uniform criteria in granting these exceptions (see Course Information Sheets).

Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Tuesday, December 1, 2015
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