This procedure designates instructors as responsible for developing a course syllabus, and provides required elements of content.
All instructors shall, during the first week of the term, give a course syllabus for each class to all students and to the division chair.
The course syllabus shall include outcomes specified on the Course Outline approved by the Curriculum Committee and the course description approved by the Oregon Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development as it is printed in the current Lane Catalog. The course syllabus shall include, at a minimum, the following information:
- The course title, number, approved catalog description, date, and instructor's name;
- The instructor's office hours (see Instructor Hours on Campus);
- The course objectives;
- The instructor's grading policies;
- The attendance policies for the class;
- The general assignments;
- A list of the textbook(s) and reference materials used in the course;
- The teaching methods used by the instructor; and
- Accessibility Notification (see Disabilities: Accessibility Notification).
The division chair shall insure that students have received course syllabi and will maintain a file of current course syllabi in the department.