Advertising and Marketing Materials

Advertising & Marketing Materials

If you're developing or considering advertising or marketing materials for your program or department, get in touch! We'd love to help every step of the way.

Review and Approval by Marketing and Public RelationsOpen House flyer with students and Ty mascot

Lane requires that all advertising (other than classified or legal ads by Human Resources or College Finance) be reviewed and approved by the Marketing and Public Relations department prior to design or purchase. Approval is required for display and/or digital advertising in print publications, digital platforms, social media, and for all traditional media sources. Marketing evaluates advertising for accuracy, clarity, correct use of grammar and punctuation (Associate Press Style  (AP) Guidelines, quality of design and photography, consistency with Lane Logo & Graphic Standards and procedures, and compliance with federal laws.

The procedures below cover advertising for print and digital media. If you are planning radio or television advertising, consult Marketing and Public Relations.

Logo, Equal Opportunity Statement and Contact Information

These items are required in Lane ads:

  • Ads must contain contact information, such as department name and phone number. A web address may be used in addition to or instead of a phone number. Contact information should match the advertisement's call to action. It should not be the general web address or phone number.
  • Recruitment ads need to have the Lane logo and equal opportunity statement: an equal opportunity/affirmative action/veteran/disabilities institution The logo and affirmative action statement are usually placed at the bottom of ads. The Lane logo needs to be used according to the official Lane Logo & Graphic Standards and should be placed in a predominate position, rather than any department, program, or other logo.

two student athletes smiling and talkingPhotography

Marketing and Public Relations has photographs of students and campus for use by Lane departments in their printed and digital publications and web pages.

If publishing photographs where students will be identifiable, Lane's photo release form must be used as outlined in the advertising procedure.

Creating and Placing Advertising:

Determine whom you want to reach with your ad, when and where your audience is most likely to see it, and approximately how much money you have to spend.

Get approval for the ad from your department head.

Contact the Director of Marketing and Strategic Communication for information to make a plan for your advertising budget.  

Contact the media publication to find out the deadline for receiving ad files for the date and size of ad you plan to run. Complete a purchase order for advertising space in the publication.

Write a draft of the ad text, being as concise as possible. Answer the questions of who, what, when, where, and how in your advertising copy or text.

The Design and Media Center or the graphic artist in Printing/Graphics (P/G) will work with the department running the ad to complete the design and layout for the ad.

Marketing must review the ad, recommend and oversee changes as necessary, and approve the finished ad.

Advertising Materials Made by Marketing and Communications

2024-2025 Video Advertisements