Student Demographics and Enrollment

Student Demographics and Enrollment


Student Headcount

Unduplicated student headcount data above is based on all enrollment attempts, this includes all attempted coursework, even if the student withdrew after the first week. Regular Credit is defined here as a student enrolled in credit classes other than College Now. College Now is defined here as students currently enrolled in area high schools earning Lane credits. Non-Credit Skill Development is defined here as a student who enrolled only in non-credit classes, including at least one ABSE, GED or ESL class. Non-Credit Continuing Education is defined here as all other students who enrolled strictly in non-credit classes in a given year. This includes both "professional development" and "extended learning" classes at all locations.

Student Headcount by Credit & Non-credit
Academic Year


AY14 AY15 AY16 AY17 AY18 AY19 AY20 AY21 AY22 AY23
Regular Credit 18,237 15,777 13,312 12,052 11,617 10,840 10,674 10,411 9,489 8,280 8,344

College Now

4,821 4,777 5,180 5,302 4,882 4,893 4,732 3,871 2,487 3,278 3,107
Non-Credit Skill Development 2,240 2,058 1,863 1,620 1,514 1,527 1,399 1,186 1,146 947 1,129
Non-Credit Continuing Education 12,295 11,435 10,320 9,448 8,367 8,430 7,644 5,623 2,463 2,456 3,141

Credit Student Demographics

Credit Students by Legal Sex

Unduplicated Headcount: Credit Students by Legal Sex
    2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
full Male 1,327 1,229 1,118 1,081 1,009
Time Female 1,216 1,223 1,166 1,186 1,127
  Neither Selected 34 32 34 26 13
Part Male 4,679 4,444 4,067 4,045 3,940
Time Female 4,878 4,617 4,365 4,366 4,342
  Neither Selected 123 142 165 108 89

Credit Students by Race/Ethnicity

Credit Students by Race/Ethnicity
Race/Ethnicity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Latino (any race) 1,317 1,383 1,377 1,452 1,519
American Indian/Alaskan Native 200 170 163 140 141
Asian 272 269 247 258 266
Black/African American 283 229 238 247 238
Pacific Islander 74 74 66 58 61
White, Non-Latino 8,165 7,661 7,013 7,106 6,952
More than one race 597 645 638 618 591
International 561 559 569 498 435
Unknown 788 697 604 435 317
Total 12,257 11,687 10,915 10,812 10,520

Credit Students by Age Group

Annual DATA - Headcount per Age Group
  Age Group AY16 AY17 AY18 AY19 AY20
  Under 18 52 42 50 57 59
  18-19 727 857 899 902 904
  20-21 476 458 426 366 342
Full-Time 22-24 313 310 265 283 224
Credit 25-29 387 311 278 263 243
(36+) 30-34 258 205 151 158 141
  35-39 140 119 84 95 95
  40-49 153 117 110 107 96
  50-64 65 60 53 60 42
  65 or older 6 5 2 2 3
  Total 2,577 2,484 2,318 2,293 2,149
  Under 18 144 160 159 189 211
  18-19 1,637 1,652 1,617 1,574 1,615
  20-21 1,776 1,730 1,618 1,622 1,633
Part-Time 22-24 1,692 1,597 1,536 1,423 1,282
Credit  25-29 1,575 1,491 1,390 1,437 1,331
(<36) 30-34 926 866 810 779 827
  35-39 587 559 481 505 519
  40-49 741 671 570 566 545
  50-64 529 410 352 324 318
  65 or older 72 67 64 96 86
  Total 9,679 9,203 8,597 8,515 8,367


Enrollment Dashboard-Lane Employees Only

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