
Technology Group Competency

Competency/Proficiency Matrix for Technology Group

The following pages identify the competencies from the TAG (Techology Analysis Group) Matrix that can be used to support numerous functions, in addition to development and maintenance of a new classification plan.  Specifically, these pages list the TAG matrix competencies that relate to (1) recruitment and selection; (2) performance management; (3) College systems and practices acclimation (probationary period competencies); and (4) workforce development and training.  Additionally, these pages list a number of TAG matrix compentencies that need further refinement to best determine their applicability to various personnel system practices. 

Guidance in reading these pages: (1) Read from left to right.  There is no significance to the columns.  (2) Within each personnel function, related competencies have been grouped.  (3) Generally, the competencies progress through the four proficiency levels defined by TAG.  (4) The TAG matrix proficiency numbering system has been included to assist users of this document.  (5) Knowledge competencies from the TAG matrix are in a regular font.  Skills and abilities competencies from the TAG matrix are in italic font. 


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