
College Acclimation Competencies

College Acclimation Competencies (Probationary Period Performance Management)

These competencies are related to both recruitment and selection and performance management competencies. They are separated from those functions because of their specialized application. As recruitment and selection criteria, they represent competencies that would normally be acquired after hiring and during the probationary period. They could be included in probationary period performance expectations and performance assessment. Most of these competencies would not be including in setting post-probationary period performance expectations and measuring performance results unless one or more of these competencies is the specific source of employee performance deficiencies.

College Infrastructure

  • 2-05 College infrastructure (employee groups, departments, committees, boards, etc), and how they relate internally (or the aptitude to acquire such knowledge)
  • 2-10 College purchasing guidelines and procedures, including department VISA cards, POs, DPOs and ICOs (or aptitude to quickly acquire)
  • 2-125 Determine which College resources and/or departments to access for problem solving purposes and information requests
  • 3-10 Current College and/or department projects, including teams and workgroups, and their respective areas of responsibility (or aptitude to acquire)
  • 3-15 Current and future College and/or department needs, as well as staff competencies and workflow (or aptitude to acquire)
  • 3-61 Benchmarks used to evaluate Enrollment (Recruitment and Retention), Program Assessment, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness

Technology Systems 

  • 2-35 The mission of the College. Awareness of published policies and procedures and applicable standards (e.g. computer use guidelines, supported hardware and software, programming conventions)
  • 2-40 Software systems currently in use and their interrelationships (or aptitude to acquire)
  • 2-45 Administrative system operating system(s) and/or applications (or aptitude to acquire) 
  • 2-50 Hardware/software needs of College's technology users (or aptitude to acquire)
  • 2-65 Internal and external information resources applicable to College applications
  • 2-115 Terms and conditions of warranties involving hardware, software and/or electronic equipment
  • 3-05 College, department and team goals as they relate to the use of technology in the learning environment; efficient application of standards and conventions under varying conditions or requirements; support for technology-related programs and initiatives (SLI, work roles and relationships, League of Innovation/Vanguard, etc) (or aptitdue to acquire)
  • 3-20 Currently installed hardware, including configuration and purchasing information (vendor, model and part numbers, pricing, etc) inventory locations, warranty information and maintenance requirements (or aptitude to acquire)
  • 3-40 Capabilities of programming languages and tools, as they relate to College needs
  • 3-50 User account design and set-up
  • 3-55 College's established administrative and/or network systems and their interrelationships (or aptitude to acquire)
  • 3-65 Electronic data transfer protocols used by external agencies (or aptitude to acquire)
  • 3-200 Maintain administrative systems (registration and student records, financial aid, accounts payable and receivable, payroll, year-end rollovers, etc)

Reporting and Recordkeeping 

  • 1-55 Record-keeping procedures (or aptitude to quickly acquire)
  • 3-60 Reporting needs of users and external agencies
  • 3-70 Information retention and retrieval practices, including understanding which types of information must be preserved for College reporting and analysis purposes
  • 3-205 Produce reporst (using reporting tools to select, sort, format and layout) to fulfill user requests and mandates from the College and/or external agencies


  • 1-40 Postural, mechanical and ergonomic workplace standards (or aptitude to quickly acquire)
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