Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Policy




Institutional Integrity


Human Resources


(541) 463-5115

Primary Contact

Shane Turner

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President of Human Resources


College Policy Statement on Affirmative Action and Equal Employment

It is the policy of Lane Community College to provide equal employment opportunity to all qualified persons and to prohibit discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, marital status, family relationship, sexual orientation, age, pregnancy, mental or physical disability, religion, or veteran status, expunged juvenile record, parental or family medical leave, application for Workers Compensation, whistle blowing, association with a member of a protected class, and all other federal, state and local protected classes.

It is also the policy of the college to take affirmative action to recruit and to employ members of protected groups. Under Federal Executive Order 11246 as amended, protected minority groups are defined as African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans. All women are designated a protected group. The protected groups are those groups of persons who have historically been most disadvantaged by discriminatory practices, including practices formerly sanctioned by law.

The affirmative action and equal opportunity clause of this policy requires that applicants be hired and employees be treated during employment without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, marital status, family relationship, sexual orientation, age, pregnancy, mental or physical disability, religion, or veteran status, expunged juvenile record, parental or family medical leave, application for Workers Compensation, whistle blowing, association with a member of a protected class, and all other federal, state and local protected classes.

The affirmative action and equal opportunity clause applies to all employment actions including but not limited to recruitment, appointment, reappointment, promotion, transfer, demotion, termination, compensation, benefits, layoff, and training. Furthermore, the policy applies to all executive, academic, administrative employees, and to full-time, part-time, temporary, probationary and permanent employees as well as those with appointments in self support programs. This policy conforms to federal and state laws and to the equal employment and affirmative action policy of the Board of Education of Lane Community College.


Administrative Policy Statement

The policies below apply to all employment actions including but not limited to recruitment, appointment, reappointment, promotion, demotion, transfer, termination, compensation, benefits, layoff, and training. Furthermore, the subsequent policies apply to all executive, academic, administrative employees and to full-time, part-time, temporary, probationary, interim, and contracted employees as well as those with appointments in self support programs.

These administrative policies conform to federal and state laws and to the equal opportunity and affirmative action policy of the Board of Education of Lane Community College.

Equal Opportunity

Lane Community College provides equal opportunity to all qualified persons and prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, marital status, family relationship, sexual orientation, age, pregnancy, disability, religion, veterans status, expunged juvenile record, application for Workers' Compensation benefits, opposition to health or safety hazards, or association with members of a protected class.

Lane Community College is committed to providing equal opportunity and prohibiting discrimination in employment. Equal employment opportunity shall apply to all employment actions, personnel procedures and practices.

Affirmative Action

The College takes affirmative action to recruit and employ members of protected groups. Affirmative employment efforts are required on a continuing basis for African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, women, and disabled persons. Lane Community College is committed to recruiting, considering, employing and advancing qualified persons from underrepresented and underutilized groups. As required, the college will put forth a good faith effort to implement this policy and commitment.

Employment Policies and Practices

The Director of Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity and the Director of Personnel Services are responsible for reviewing employment actions for compliance with the College's Affirmative Action Plan, administrative policies, and applicable laws and guidelines.

The following policies are included in the College's Affirmative Action Plan and will be considered upon reviewing employment actions and procedures:

  • All persons shall be given an equal opportunity to apply for and compete for employment opportunities. The college will consider all qualified applicants for employment opportunities.
  • The college will not discriminatorily restrict members of a protected group to a certain job classification. Additionally, the college will not discriminatorily exclude members of a protected group from an employment opportunity.
  • All personnel policies and practices will expressly conform to the prohibition against discrimination. No personnel policies or practices will arbitrarily or effectively exclude employees or applicants from employment opportunities.
  • All employment policies and practices will expressly conform to the prohibition against bearing an adverse impact or disparate impact on members of protected groups.
  • All employees will be assured equal access to training programs, and not discriminate against members of protected groups. Tuition waivers are available to all persons in benefitting employment groups on an equal basis.
  • All regulations and practices relating to employment actions, such as promotion, termination, layoff, demotion, advancement and reappointment, shall be equally applied and non-discriminatory.
  • All job requirements, selection criteria, and employment decisions shall be directly job-related and essential in nature to the job and/or necessary for business operations.
  • Special efforts will be made to recruit women and minorities for special appointments, where possible and/or reasonable.
  • Laws and regulations designed to protect members of protected groups, such as lifting restrictions, will not bar employment.
  • Seniority is based solely on the position and time employed in the position, where it can legitimately be applied.

Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Thursday, January 26, 2012