References and Footnotes to "Hiring Process" Procedure
(sorted in the order in which they appear in the calling procedure)
- Selecting the Screening Committee
- What to Do When the Last Employee in the Position Is the Local Expert
- Hiring Process Training
- Institutional Standards for Minimum Employee Qualifications
- Job Description Resources
- Using Supplemental Questionnaires
- Sample Supplemental Questionnaires
- Completing the Request to Post Position Form
- Multiple Position Advertising
- Sample Notice of Vacancy
- Standard Recruitment Resources
- Applicant Pool Summary Form
- Determining Acceptable Education and Experience Equivalencies
- Identifying Paper Screening Criteria
- Sample of a Paper Screening Form
- Weighting Each Stage of the Process
- Agreeing Upon a Good Answer
- Completing the Recruitment Report and Employment Recommendation Form
- Interviewing Part-Time Faculty
- Interviewing Temporary Faculty Incumbents
- How to Process Applicant Travel Reimbursement Requests
- Agreeing Upon a Scoring System
- Developing Interview Questions
- Inappropriate Comments
- Setting Up a Work Demonstration
- Second Interviews
- Documentation Check List
- Contacting the Applicant's Current Supervisor
- Sample Reference Check Questions
- Board Approval Process
- Initial Salary Placements
- Pre-Employment Physicals
- Guarding the Security of Applications
- Protecting the Confidentiality of Applications
Selecting the Screening Committee
The department manager is responsible for appointing a screening committee of at least three people who are knowledgeable about the position, representative of the department and committed to the college's diversity goals. Screening committees can include staff from other departments, members of the community and students. Separate committees can be appointed to screen applications and conduct interviews.
Screening committees should not include the individual whose position is being filled unless that person has moved into the role of supervisor of the vacant position. For more information about this policy, see below.
If the department manager chooses not to serve as the committee chair, he/she can designate someone else to serve as chair of the committee provided the designated individual has successfully completed Lane's 16-hour hiring process training. All managers are required to complete this training before participating in any way in a departmental hiring process.
The AA/D/EO office can provide technical assistance in the development of job descriptions that further the department's diversity goals.
Human Resources can offer technical assistance in the development of job descriptions that comply with institutional standards. Personnel keeps a file of past job ads and has access to advertisements published by other employers.
The Future Faculty Task Force Report includes a summary of the desirable characteristics
identified for future faculty of the college by members of this task force. Also included in the report is information that will help departments evaluate faculty applicants with reference to these characteristics. A copy of this report is available in Personnel and at other locations on campus.
What to Do When the Last Employee in the Position Is the Local Expert
In certain situations, the last employee in the position may have expertise that is considered critical to the screening/selection process. Department administrators are expected to make a good faith effort to identify other individuals who can bring similar expertise to the process. If such an expert cannot be identified, a limited role may be crafted for this individual with the assistance of the Human Resources representative.
Hiring process training is offered on a periodic basis and available to all classified, faculty and management staff. The training schedule appears in The Weekly and is available through Training and Development.
Hiring process training covers five modules:
- Introduction to the Hiring Process
- Ethical Considerations in Hiring
- Legal Guidelines and Responsibilities
- What is Essential for this Job?
- The Mix of Strategies
The training takes place over a 16-hour period in either a two- or four-day format. Pre-registration is required. There is no registration fee.Completion of all five modules is required for all managers and for all screening committee chairs.
Institutional Standards for Minimum Employee Qualifications
Minimum education and experience qualifications for teaching assignments are defined in the college's official Certification Standards.
Minimum education and experience qualifications for classified positions are contained in the college's official classification descriptions.
Minimum education and experience qualifications for management positions are defined on a position-by-position basis.
AA/D/EO can provide technical assistance in the development of job descriptions that further the department's diversity goals.
Human Resources can offer technical assistance in the development of job descriptions that comply with institutional standards. Personnel keeps a file of past job ads and has access to advertisements published by other employers.
The Future Faculty Task Force Report includes a summary of the desirable characteristics identified for future faculty of the college by members of this task force. Also included in the report is information that will help departments evaluate faculty applicants with reference to these characteristics. A copy of this report is available in Personnel and at other locations on campus.
Using Supplemental Questionnaires
The department screening committee develops the supplemental questionnaire, using the essential functions of the position as a guide. The supplemental questionnaire is published with the Request to Post Position form. Once the questionnaire is approved by the Human Resources representative, it is published as an attachment to the Notice of Vacancy. The Notice of Vacancy directs applicants to respond to each question and attach their written responses to the employment application.
Supplemental questionnaires provide the screening committee an opportunity to collect additional, job-related information about applicants. This information can be useful during the screening process when the committee's charge is to select the best-qualified applicants for interviews from a large pool of qualified individuals.
Sample Supplemental Questionnaires
Supplemental Questions for a Testing Administrative Assistant Position:
To assist us in making the selection for the Testing administrative assistant, please respond to the following questions on a separate sheet(s) of paper. Please number your responses to correspond to the questions.
- Describe your post-secondary course work and/or any advanced training in assessment and measurement that is applicable to the educational qualifications for the position.
- Describe the educational and work experiences that have prepared you to carry out the essential functions of the position.
Supplemental Questions for a Biology Instructor Position:
To assist us in making the selection for the Biology instructor, please respond to the following questions in one page per question or less. Please number your responses to correspond to the questions.
- Describe how you envision teaching cell biology to students pursuing a degree in allied health.
- The instructor hired will have the opportunity to work across disciplines to develop a class for students with minimal background in science to help them prepare for classes such as anatomy and physiology. How do you view this opportunity? What would you like to include? Why?
- Like most urban community colleges, Lane has an increasingly diverse student community. Describe your experience and ideas about working with students of diverse backgrounds and educational goals.
Supplemental Questions for a Coordinator of Health Occupations and General Community Health Programming Position:
These questions address the essential functions of this position. Your responses to these questions, in addition to other requested materials, will be used in the screening of applicants. Please limit your responses to two single-spaced pages.
- An essential function of this position is to develop vocational supplemental programming in allied health occupations. Describe in detail what your sustained experience is in performing this function for this particular market for any two-year period in your work history. After describing it, write about one experience that you had that you considered a huge success, and one in which you wish you had done differently.
- A critical element of this job involves the ability to develop and maintain relationships with community health agencies. Describe your experience specifically in this endeavor. Be sure to include the names of those with whom you established a relationship.
- What experience and/or education do you have which gives you the ability to ascertain needs and develop responsive programming to an array of health professions?
Completing the Request to Post Position Form
This form is available in Human Resources in paper and electronic format. The following instructions refer to the numbered boxes on the form.
- Position Number. Refer to your department copy of the Position Budget Report. If you are posting a new position or if you cannot find the position number for a position, contact the Budget analyst in the College Operations for assistance. Note: If approval is being requested to advertise more than one position, list all of the position numbers and see below for special guidelines.
- Position Title. The title used in the department to identify the position.
- Department. The name of the department where the new employee will work.
- Last Employee in Position. Name of the last employee in this position. If the position is new, leave blank.
- Salary Range. Provide dollar amount, if known.
- Source of Funds. Check appropriate box.
- Verified. Leave this box blank.
- Total Amount Budgeted for this position. Leave this box blank.
- Category. Check appropriate box.
- Job Classification. For classified positions only. Enter the job classification title assigned by Human Resources. This is often different from the job title. Contact Human Resources for assistance.
- Status. Check appropriate box. Check temporary if the position has an ending date and enter the anticipated ending date.
- Type. Check the appropriate box. Check new if this is a new position. Check changed if the job description, classification, salary level, or FTE have changed since the last employee in the position terminated employment. Classified or management positions marked changed are subject to a reclassification review prior to posting if the changes are substantial.
- Annual Schedule. Describe the regular annual schedule (how many days or months this employee will work each year) for this position if different from the standard schedule for employees in this category. The standard schedule for classified and management positions is 12 months (or 260 days). The standard schedule for faculty is 178 days.
- FTE. The position's regular annual FTE. This is a combination of annual schedule and working hours. A classified employee with a standard annual schedule (260 days) who works 20 hours a week will have an annual FTE of .50 FTE. A classified employee who works a standard weekly schedule (40 hours) from September 1 – June 30 will have an annual FTE of .83 FTE.
- Working hours. For classified and management positions only. Provide information about the daily and/or weekly schedule if that schedule will be different from the standard. Standard working hours for classified and management positions are: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you have different expectations for the employee in this position, please provide this information. Note: Personnel uses the information contained in boxes 13-15 to determine the correct salary range and work schedule to advertise. If the position is less than full-time, this needs to be clearly stated in the Notice of Vacancy along with a pro-rated salary range.
- Anticipated Starting Date. The date on which you expect a new employee to report to work. (Allow a minimum of six weeks for recruitment, screening and interviews.)
- Job Description. Check this box if an updated job description with essential functions identified has been attached to the form.
- Special Recruitment. Explain any special recruitment needed. Special recruitment is automatic for positions in categories identified in the current Affirmative Action Plan as underutilized. Human Resources pays for all standard recruitment and for all special recruitment in underutilized categories. The department will be charged for all other advertising.
After the form is completed, circulate for signatures in the order shown on the form.
Department administrators may choose to recruit applicants for multiple vacancies using a single advertisement. This is allowed, provided the vacant positions have the same job description and minimum qualifications.
If multiple positions are to be advertised on a single Notice of Vacancy, the number of positions to be filled and any differences in work schedule and/or FTE need to be clearly indicated on the Request to Post position form. This information will be published in the Notice of Vacancy.
Requests made after-the-fact to hire more than one new classified employee from a single Notice of Vacancy may be approved in special circumstances. Unanticipated retirements and other unanticipated employee separations are considered to be special circumstances for this purpose. Requests to hire more than one new faculty or management employee from a single Notice of Vacancy will not be approved.
POSTED: [date] POSTING NO: [assigned number]
POSITION: Instructor
.600 FTE position
(This position may become full-time dependent on funding)
DEPARTMENT: Business Technologies/Business Education Center/Mary Spilde Downtown Center
STARTING DATE: On or about [date]
JOB PURPOSE: To provide high quality instruction to students in Business Technologies courses.
Teach the following courses: Office Technology, Integrated Office Systems I, Administrative Procedures, Records Management, and Document Formatting. Will also be required to teach other office related courses such as: Accounting, Business Math, English/Communications, and Windows 95/98 based software application courses including: Word, WordPerfect, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint.
Teach individualized, open-entry/open-exit, variable credit classes. Teach in classroom and computer lab settings that incorporate current technology and appropriate software applications.
Work with student groups in classrooms, computer labs and other learning environments as appropriate. Collaborate with other instructors in team teaching applications.
Work independently and/or with other faculty to develop innovative classroom presentation and delivery techniques that incorporate multi-media concepts. Assist students in working as a team and in preparing effective project presentations.
Develop new courses, create teaching modules and revise existing courses. Develop and write competency-based curriculum that incorporates current technology, focuses on improving student outcomes and enhances the educational experience. Design innovative and accurate assessment procedures to help students demonstrate the competencies mastered.
Work individually and with other instructors to develop and continually update course outlines, prepare assignments and lab exercises, develop testing criteria and teaching aids, and develop training and reference materials.
Conduct research to ascertain changing industry needs and translate these needs into new programs and curricula.
Work one-on-one with students during office hours and in other settings to help them with questions relating to program options, course content, and career choices.
Communicate effectively and respectfully; work productively with students and staff from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds including, but not limited to: students of color, bilingual students, international students, students from various cultures, life-long learners, Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgendered students, and students with disabilities to fulfill a wide variety of advising, counseling and academic needs.
Participate in the preparation of well-written grant proposals. Help track, document and report grant funds expended quarterly on specific projects.
Work with faculty and college personnel or departmental and college-wide committees and task forces to enhance both departmental and college operations. Collaborate with faculty from other community colleges and four-year colleges/universities to coordinate programs and advance the quality of education in the state.
Work with local businesses, advisory committees and professional organizations to bring current information and applications to business technology classes.
Work with high school teachers and other staff to articulate information about programs and course work from local area high schools to the college.
Assist the department counselor with program advising as requested.
Education: Master's degree in Business Education or other business education-related areas with at least 30 quarter hours or 20 semester hours of graduate credit hours in academic courses in fields relating to this position. Documentation of having received a Master's Degree must be provided before the assignment begins.
Experience: One year of full-time teaching experience at the college level (or equivalent part-time work) required; two years preferred.
Teaching experience in Integrated Office Systems, Administrative Procedures, Office Management, and software application courses preferred. Other teaching experience in related office administration courses preferred. One year of full-time current industry experience (or equivalent part-time work) directly related to office management/office administration with strong emphasis in procedural functions and technology applications is preferred.
Teaching experience and/or office experience in multi-cultural environments is preferred.
Bi-lingual, multi-cultural experience is preferred.
Knowledge and skill in developing competency-based curricula. Ability to stay informed about changes in the workplace as well as changes in the skills required of students entering the labor force. Ability to continually update individual skills in a wide variety of computer software applications and other high tech skills in order to maintain a cutting edge profile.
Must demonstrate good computer skills (both hardware and software competency) in an IBM-based environment. Knowledge of and ability to teach a wide variety of Windows 95/98 based software applications including Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, and WordPerfect. Must demonstrate the ability to incorporate new technology in the classroom and in the overall learning experience.
Must have strong verbal and written communication skills and be able to work with students to develop the students' writing skills through projects. Must have strong presentation and speaking skills and be able to assist students in developing presentation/speaking skills.
Ability to travel to Community Learning Centers to give orientations and meet with new students.
Ability to teach in a learning environment that puts the students first. Must demonstrate an active concern for meeting the needs of students, staff and the public.
Ability to work effectively as a member of a team.
Must demonstrate an active concern for meeting the needs of students, staff and the general public.
SALARY RANGE: $34,363 - $46,567 per academic year. Salary will be pro-rated for less than full-time.
Applications must be RECEIVED by March 9, 2001.
Applications received after that date WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.
HOW TO APPLY: Application forms are available from and should be returned to: Human Resources, Administration Building, Lane Community College, 4000 E. 30th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97405. Telephone (541) 463-5586. Departments are not required to consider incomplete applications. To ensure full consideration, do not leave any section of this form blank. A resume may be attached to provide additional information, but it cannot take the place of this application form or any section thereof.
To be considered a candidate for this position, all of the following must be included in the application package:
1. Completed LCC application form.
2. Resume
3. Cover Letter
4. Copies of transcripts (Official transcripts will be required prior to hire)
1. All applications will be screened by the department after the application deadline.
2. If you would like to know the status of a position you have applied for, please call: (541) 463-5586, or check the Human Resources website accessed through No written notification will be sent to you.
Call (541) 463-5586 for recorded job information (24 hours/day). FAX available at (541) 744-3970 TDD available at (541) 744-3999. Lane Community College is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution.
[See Human Resources for more samples]
Standard Recruitment Resources
The following print and electronic resources are used to advertise vacancies to potential applicants. Screening committees are encouraged to recommend additional, targeted resources.
- Classified positions:
Register-Guard newspaper (Eugene, OR)
- Faculty and management positions:
Register-Guard newspaper (Eugene, OR)
The Oregonian newspaper (Portland, OR)
Chronicle of Higher Education (print & electronic formats)
America's Job Bank (electronic format)
AA/D/EO Office Listservs
Purpose: To summarize the applicant pool for review by the director of Affirmative Action/Diversity/Equal Opportunity.
Steps in process:
- Human Resources advertises the vacant position.
- After the application deadline, the Human Resources representative completes the Position Information and Applicant Pool Data sections of the Applicant Pool Summary Form, attaches it to a computerized applicant list and forwards the form and the list to the director of Affirmative Action/Diversity/Equal Opportunity.
- The director of Affirmative Action/Diversity/Equal Opportunity reviews the summary, the applicant list and applicant files (as needed).
- The director of Affirmative Action/Diversity/Equal Opportunity checks the appropriate box in the Applicant Pool Review section, signs the form and takes one of the following actions:
- If the applicant pool meets standards set in the Affirmative Action Plan, the director returns the form to the Human Resources representative and the process moves to step 7a.
- If the applicant pool does not meet the Plan standards, the director meets with the screening committee chair and/or department administrator to discuss additional recruitment options. The process moves to step 5.
- The department administrator reviews the director of Affirmative Action/Diversity/Equal Opportunity's recommendation and takes one of the following actions:a. If the department administrator agrees that additional recruitment is needed, the form is returned to the Human Resources representative and the process moves to step 7b.b. If the department administrator wishes to proceed to screening without additional recruitment, the form is submitted to the vice president for consideration of a waiver. The process moves to step 6.
- The vice president reviews the request for a waiver and completes the Vice President's Review section of the form indicating one of the following decisions:
- If a waiver is granted, the reasons are explained on the form, the form is returned to the Human Resources representative and the process moves to step 7a.
- If the waiver is denied, the form is returned to the Human Resources representative and the process moves to step 7b.
- The completed Applicant Pool Summary Pool form is filed in the appropriate job posting file and one of the following actions is taken:
- If the screening is approved, the Human Resources representative forwards the applications to the department.
- If additional recruitment is needed, the process returns to step 1. A new Applicant Pool Summary form is prepared for review by the director of Affirmative Action/Diversity/Equal Opportunity at the conclusion of the extended recruitment period.
Determining Acceptable Education and Experience Equivalencies
Job postings may include this (or a similar) statement: "An acceptable combination of relevant experience and education may be considered qualifying." If this statement is used, it is the job of the screening committee to develop a list of acceptable equivalencies BEFORE the work of screening applications begins.
Identifying Paper Screening Criteria
The essential functions and knowledge, skills and abilities published in the Notice of Vacancy provide the basis for the screening committee's evaluation of applications. All screening criteria must be directly related to an essential function or a required knowledge, skill or ability.
It is important to carefully assess the experience and education of applicants to insure that they meet the minimum advertised requirements. Applicants who do not meet these minimums cannot be hired.
When reviewing an applicant's work experience, screening committee members are reminded to pro-rate part-time experience. In other words, if an applicant worked half-time (20 hours/week) for two years, that experience would count as one year of experience.
Sample of a Paper Screening Form
Posting Number:
Custodian Application Screening Form
Applicant Name:
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: (Does candidate meet these minimums?)
Six months custodial experience Yes_____ No_____
Oregon Driver's License or ability to obtain Yes_____ No_____
Custodial training, schooling/coursework related to custodial.................0-4 pts _____
EXPERIENCE: (Beyond minimum: 1 point per year)......................0-10 pts_____
Institutional custodial experience.......................................... . 0-1 pts _____
Sweeps and mops floors:..................................................0-1 pts_____
Cleans and waxes furniture:.............................................. .0-1 pts_____
Carpet repair experience:..................................................0-1 pts_____
Vacuuming and cleaning carpet experience:......................... . . . 0-4 pts_____
Window washing experience
(Tucker & Under methods):................................................0-3 pts_____
Experience with proper usage & handling
of custodial chemicals:......................................................0-3 pts_____
Stripping and refinishing hard floors experience:..................... . . .0-5 pts_____
Restroom sanitation experience:......................................... . 0-5 pts_____
(37 points possible) TOTAL: _______
Committee member's name: Date:
Weighting Each Stage of the Process
Most hiring processes involve several stages or components. Typically, these stages include: paper screening, interviews, skills testing, and reference checking. It is the screening committee's responsibility to decide the relative importance of each of these components. This decision should be made before anyone on the committee looks at the application files in order to avoid the appearance of unfairness.
A typical distribution of weight would be:
Paper screening 20% of total score
Interview 50% of total score
Skills test 20% of total score
Reference check 10% of total score
Total 100%
Weighting can also take place within each of these components. An example would be the weighting of individual interview questions to reflect their relative importance.In the example above, each applicant would receive a raw score at each stage. These raw scores would then be adjusted according to the weighting scheme. The final adjusted score would be used to identify the best-qualified applicant.
Well-organized screening committees decide in advance what they are looking for in a "good answer." This process begins with a careful analysis of the essential functions of the job. The essential functions lead, in turn, to certain knowledge, skills and abilities and behavioral traits required to do the job. The committee's questions provide the opportunity for applicants to demonstrate whether or not they meet the committee's standards.
An example of this analysis is provided in the training materials prepared by Cris Cullinan for use in the college's 16-hour hiring training. In this example, the essential function is:
Ability to maintain a problem solving attitude while handling conflict with a colleague.
The knowledge that the committee is looking for in a good answer is:Knowledge of constructive behaviors in handling conflict.
The skills/abilities that the committee is looking for in a good answer are:
- Ability to reflect on your own behavior and identify any problems you need to address
- Ability to listen to points of view different from your own
- Ability to admit when you have been wrong
- Ability to craft a cooperative solution with a colleague
Behavioral indicators that the committee is looking for in a good answer are:
- Working honestly, directly and openly with the colleague with whom you have a conflict
- Initiating the conflict resolution
- Awareness of own responsibility in causing the conflict
- Ability to let the conflict go
Although not all committees will agree with this list, the committees that operate the most efficiently will agree, in advance, about their own expectations.
Completing the Recruitment Report and Employment Recommendation Form
[Note: This procedure is being written. It will be distributed as soon as it is available.]
Interviewing Part-Time Faculty
The following language is excerpted from the 1999-2005 Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article 12.4:
Part-time employees who have worked during the previous twelve (12 ) months and who have applied for contracted positions shall be entitled to a final interview if, in the College's judgment, they are among the six (6) applicants most qualified for the open position and available for the final interview step when the final interview step is set up. If more than one position is being filled in a single process, the limit of six (6) will be increased by one for each additional position. For example, it will be seven (7) if two positions are being filled.
For additional information about implementation of the part-time faculty interview process, contact a Human Resources representative in Human Resources.
Interviewing Temporary Faculty Incumbents
The following language is excerpted from the 1999-2005 Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article 12.3:
If the person currently filling the contracted position on a temporary basis was selected for this position through a posting/selection process, rather than seniority selection of a part-time employee or offer to a contracted employee on lay-off, and the person has satisfactorily performed in the position, the person shall have a right to a final interview to the position when it is open for a permanent employee.
For additional information about implementation of the temporary faculty interview process, contact an Human Resources representative in Human Resources.
How to Process Applicant Travel Reimbursement Requests
The department is responsible for collecting receipts from eligible applicants and preparing an ICO/Check Request form. All eligible applicants can be listed on a single ICO form provided the name, address and amount of check to be issued to each individual is clearly shown on the form. All receipts for reimbursable expenses must be attached.
The completed form is submitted to Human Resources. Human Resources is responsible for completing the form, including account number and budget authority signature. Personnel will forward the form to College Finance for processing.
College Finance will process the ICO and remit checks to each eligible individual.
Agreeing Upon a Scoring System
The committee will need to decide the maximum number of points to be awarded each question and whether some questions should be weighted more heavily than others. These decisions must be made prior to reviewing any applicant's materials.
Each committee member is required to record scores on a score sheet that provides space for notes on the answers provided by each applicant. These score sheets will be submitted to Human Resources at the end of the process as documentation of the interviews and the scoring of each committee member. Committee members are urged to be professional and judicious in their note-taking.
Developing Interview Questions
In her 16-hour training for college staff, Cris Cullinan warns prospective committee members to run all interview questions through the three following "filters:"
- Does the question relate directly to the essential functions of the job? If not, eliminate the question.
- Does the question discriminate among people on the basis of their age, religion, race, ethnicity, sex, national origin, disabilities, sexual orientation, or other legally protected classification? If so, eliminate the question.
- Is the answer to the question likely to tell us something about the applicant's knowledge, skills or abilities? If not, eliminate the question.
The essential functions identified in the Notice of Vacancy should be used as the foundation for the questions asked during the interview. This process is described in the section titled, Agreeing Upon a Good Answer. In the example referred to in that section, the following knowledge question is suggested to determine if the applicant has knowledge of constructive behaviors in handling conflict:
- Being able to handle conflicts constructively is an important part of this job. Please describe what you see as three appropriate behaviors when handling conflict with a colleague.
In order to test if the applicant has the skills/abilities that the committee is looking for, the committee in this same example asks both retrospective (what did you do when...?) and prospective questions (what would you do if....):
- Describe a time when you had a serious conflict with a colleague. How did you know the conflict was happening? What did you do to resolve the conflict? Describe your working relationship with the colleague after the conflict was resolved. (Retrospective)
You have been assigned to work on a major project with a colleague with whom you have had problems working in the past. Up until now, you have been able to avoid working closely with this person, but this project will require that the two of you work cooperatively. At the first planning meeting, the two of you disagree on a major issue. What would you do about this? (Prospective)
The committee will look for the following behavioral indicators in the answers:
- Working honestly, directly and openly with the colleague with whom you have a conflict.
- Initiating the conflict resolution.
- Awareness of own responsibility in causing the conflict.
- Ability to let the conflict go.
Good answers will assure the committee that the applicant has the following skills/abilities:
- The ability to reflect on his/her own behavior and identify problems he/she needs to address.
- The ability to listen to points of view different from his/her own.
- The ability to admit when he/she has been wrong.
- The ability to craft a cooperative solution with a colleague.
Committees are urged to contact their Human Resources representative for copies of forms developed to help break down essential functions into knowledge and skills/abilities questions.
Just as committees must avoid interview questions that appear to discriminate on the basis of a legally protected classification, committee members must guard against formal and informal comments to applicants in these same subject areas. Specifically, committee members are warned against comments related to:
- Birthplace, nationality, ancestry or descent of applicant, applicant's spouse or parents.· Race or color.
- Religion or religious days observed.
- Physical disabilities.
- Health or medical history.
- Height and weight.
- Pregnancy, birth control and child care.
- Applicant's sex or marital status.
For more guidance, contact the Human Resources representative or the director of Affirmative Action/Diversity/Equal Opportunity.
Setting Up a Work Demonstration
Screening committees for faculty positions often find it useful to set up a teaching demonstration for applicants. This activity provides the committee with information about one of the essential functions of the job: the ability to teach.
Screening committees for classified positions have found it useful to set up a skills test for:
- Keyboard speed and accuracy
- Mathematical skills
- Housekeeping skills
- Writing skills
- Handling interruptions/multiple priorities
Such tests/demonstrations must be conducted under strictly controlled conditions and must be duplicated exactly for each person being tested. In addition, the test/demonstration must relate directly to essential functions of the job. The weight of the test/demonstration within the overall scoring system must be decided prior to the first test/demonstration.For more information about test validity and testing options, contact the Human Resources representative.
A second interview may be needed to break a scoring tie between finalists or to provide the department administrator (or other hiring authority) an opportunity to speak to finalists before approving a committee recommendation.
The basic rules are the same for all interviews throughout the hiring process. Standard, job-related questions must be asked and the answers must be recorded and scored by the interviewers (see Scheduling the Interview, Preparing for the Interview and Conducting the Interview, above). Documentation of the second interview must be provided to Human Resources at the end of the hiring process.
Please check your packet for the following items before submitting to Human Resources:
- Completed Recruitment Report and Employment Recommendation form.
- Explanation of weighting for each component of the process (such as paper screening, interviews, etc.).
- Written summary of paper screening criteria applied.
- Paper screening notes and scores for each applicant from each committee member.
- Summary of paper screening scores.
- List of all interview questions.
- Interview notes and scores for each applicant interviewed from each committee member.
- Summary of interview scores. (Double-check your math.)
- Copy of any skills tests used.
- Summary of scenario for teaching demonstration. (What were the applicants asked to present?)
- Test/demonstration scores for each applicant tested. (Double-check your math.)
- Names of finalists whose references were checked.
- Full list of reference check questions.
- Notes for each reference call completed.
- Final raw and weighted scores for each finalist. (Double-check your math.)
Written explanation of anything unusual in the process. Examples might include: names of applicants who withdrew from the process; names of applicants who refused to allow reference contacts with current supervisors; committee members who had to drop out of the process; explanation of scoring anomalies; explanation of why the committee selected someone other than the highest-scoring finalist; etc.
Contacting the Applicant's Current Supervisor
Applicants have the right to request that current supervisors not be contacted during the initial stages of the hiring process. If the employee has marked this box on the employment application, screening committee members and department representatives should honor this request for confidentiality.
If the applicant becomes a finalist, however, the screening committee has the right to insist upon the right to speak to a current supervisor. In speaking with the applicant about this requirement, it should be made clear that he/she is a finalist and that in order to remain in the finalist pool, a reference call to the current supervisor must be made. If the applicant refuses to release the hold on this contact, the employee is choosing to withdraw from further consideration.
Screening committees are advised against inconsistency in contacting current supervisors. In other words, committees should not make current supervisor reference calls for some applicants but not others.
Sample Reference Check Questions
Candidate's name:
Organization contacted:
Person contacted:
Contact made by:
My name is: __________________ from [department name] at Lane Community College. [applicant's name] has applied for a [title of position] with our organization. Any information you share with me will remain confidential to the hiring process and will not be shared with the candidate except when mandated to do so by a court of law.
- During what period was [the applicant] employed by your organization/department? Were you [the applicant's] direct supervisor? If not, what was your working relationship?
- What were [the applicant's] core duties?
- How would you rate [the applicant's] work in comparison with others doing the same job?
- Did [the applicant's] performance improve while on the job?
- What type of working relationship did [the candidate] have with colleagues, students, supervisory staff, and community members?
- What were [the candidate's] strong points?
- In what areas did [the candidate] need to improve? Did you discuss these areas with [the candidate]? Did [the candidate] address these areas of concern?
- Did [the candidate] have problems with dependability? Meeting deadlines? If so, please explain.
- The position [the candidate] is applying for requires that the employee ... [briefly summarize essential functions]. Based on your experience with [the candidate], do you think [the candidate] has the necessary skills and aptitudes to perform the job well?
- Would you reemploy the candidate?
Thank you for your time.
All contracted faculty and management employment recommendations require Board approval. The Board of Education meets on the second Wednesday of the month. In order for the Board to act upon an employment recommendation, the President's office must receive the completed Employment Recommendation form from the vice president no later than the Board mailing deadline (generally 10 working days prior to the scheduled meeting).
Job offers extended prior to Board approval must be made on a contingent basis*. It is the department administrator's responsibility to insure that the applicant understands that the offer is contingent upon Board action.
In certain instances it may be necessary for an applicant to actually begin work before Board approval can be obtained.* In this case it is the department administrator's responsibility to insure that the applicant understands that continued employment is contingent upon Board action. If the Board does not approve the employment recommendation, the individual will be paid for all days actually worked and the employment relationship will terminate immediately.
*Approval of the vice president and president are required before taking this action.
Hiring rates for new employees are defined in college procedure.
- Explanation of hiring rates for new classified employees.
- Explanation of hiring rates for new contracted faculty employees.
For more information about these guidelines, contact an Human Resources representative in Human Resources.
Where a job requires strenuous physical activity, the department may require the preferred applicant -- and only the preferred applicant -- to successfully complete a physical examination.
The employing department is responsible for the cost of the exam.
For more information about the physical exam process, particularly as it relates to the Americans with Disabilities Act, contact an Human Resources representative in Human Resources.
Guarding the Security of Applications
Screening committees are entrusted with application files with the understanding that the files are unduplicated originals that cannot be removed from college property by anyone involved in the screening/selection process. Loss of a file, or part of a file, can have results that are devastating to the search process and timelines.
Protecting the Confidentiality of Applications
Information contained in application files is confidential and cannot be shared with persons outside the hiring process except as required by certain screening activities, such as reference checking.
The identity of applicants is also a matter of confidentiality. In some searches the names of finalists may become known due to teaching demonstrations or other selection process activities. Applicants should be advised in advance when such activities are scheduled and offered the choice of withdrawing from consideration rather than having confidentiality breached.
If in doubt about a matter of confidentiality, contact the Human Resources representative for assistance.