Workload: Faculty




Human Resources


Academic and Student Affairs


(541) 463-5344

Primary Contact

Grant Matthews

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs


This procedure describes the calculation to be used when calculating a faculty's workload for various types of instructional environments.


Lane Community College assigns fair and reasonable faculty workloads.

  1. The normal full-time work week is 40 hours of which at least 30 hours must be on campus or at the assigned work station(s). (See Instructor Hours On Campus).
  2. The normal faculty teaching load per term is 15 Teaching Load Credits (TLC) or 45 TLCs on an annual basis.  However, an individual's workload may vary from term to term; the normal annual workload can range between 42 and 48 TLCs.  TLCs can be assigned as follows:
    1. 1.0 TLC for each weekly hour of lecture;
    2. 0.682 TLC for each weekly hour of laboratory; or
    3. Classes that integrate lecture (beyond short instructional periods) and laboratory activities should be separated into the average weekly amount of time spent on each activity and be assigned TLCs accordingly.  For example, if a class meets six hours per week and ordinarily four of those hours are lecture while the other two involve lab activities, the class earns 5.36 TLCs.  {(4 X 1.0) + (2 X 0.682) = 5.36}.
  3. Individual or group workloads can be adjusted outside the range specified above.  If either the faculty member(s) or the department chair believes the above formula inappropriate in a given case, a discussion shall be initiated.  If agreement on appropriate workload is achieved, it shall be submitted to the vice president Academic and Student Affairs and to the LCCEA president for their concurrence.  The agreement must be signed by the faculty member(s), the department chair, vice president Academic and Student Affairs, and the LCCEA president.  If an agreement is not reached, the question will be submitted to a workload review panel (see #5 below).
  4. Faculty whose assignment does not fit normal instructional patterns (e.g. librarians,   counselors, Co-op Ed coordinators, those assigned TV courses, large classes, writing classes) will establish workloads as prescribed in #3 above.
  5. Workload questions not resolved directly between the parties shall be submitted to a workload review panel.
    1. The panel shall be appointed as follows:  One member shall be appointed by the LCCEA president and one shall be appointed by the college president.  These panel members shall be chosen for their ability to form a fair judgement on the question at hand rather than for their advocacy.  These two will then choose the third and final panel member, who need not be a Lane employee.
    2. The panel shall gather information regarding the question(s) placed before it as it deems appropriate.
    3. The panel shall make its recommendations regarding appropriate workload assignments to both the faculty and the administrators involved.  However, the vice president Academic and Student Affairs shall make the final decision when adopting or modifying workloads.
  6. Workload assignments adopted by the vice president after panel review that are still unacceptable to the LCCEA may be submitted to interest arbitration as specified in the Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement.
  7. The college may assign workloads in excess of its adopted standards; however it shall make overload payment in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement.
  8. Assignment of more than three different preparations may be cause for a reduction in some aspect of workload, such as a reduction in the number of classes taught or a reduction in other departmental responsibilities.  However, no such reduction is required when the additional preparations are assigned to preserve the integrity of a program, or to maintain the instructor's FTE employment level.  In any case, the instructor will be given an opportunity to suggest alternatives to the actions stipulated above.

Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Tuesday, October 14, 2014