
Student Organizations Guidelines






Student Life and Leadership


(541) 463-5787

Primary Contact

Beccah Maley

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President of Student Affairs


This procedure describes the requirements for establishing an official club or organization. Students are encouraged to organize new clubs and special groups compatible with the spirit of the college community.


Recognized Organizations

  1. Each organization shall register through Student Life and Leadership Development and shall provide the following information:
    1. Name of the organization;
    2. Purpose of the organization;
    3. Officer(s) name(s) and contact information;
    4. Advisor(s) name(s) and contact information;
    5. Time, place, and days of regularly scheduled meetings; and
    6. Proposed organizational guidelines (constitution).
  2. Students and community members participating in any club, organization or activity must be in compliance with the Student Code of Conduct
  3. Recognized Organizations must comply with the following to remain an active organization in good standing:
    1. Organizations must have an active student membership updated with current members.  
    2. Organizations must attend Council of Clubs meetings each term.
    3. Organizations must have a President/Chair.
    4. Organizations that have no active members for an academic year will be considered inactive.  
    5. Inactive organizations may be reactivated through the Student Life and Leadership Development office with active student members and active advisor(s).  


  1. Each student club and organization must have an advisor who is a college employee--manager, faculty or classified staff. It is the responsibility of the students to find a staff member willing to act in this capacity.
  2. It is the function of the advisor to provide assistance and direction to the student organization.
  3. It is the responsibility of the advisor to ensure that the organization:
    1. Is informed of college policy as related to its activity;
    2. Give approval for any action or item related to college policy or procedure,
    3. Approve financial expenditures, and
    4. Submits financial statements as outlined below.
  4. Any student employees hired by a student organization must be supervised by the organization advisor or another college employee.  Students may not supervise other students.  

Scheduling Activities or Events

  1. All activities and events which require the scheduling of campus facilities must comply with the Facilities: Scheduling guidelines prior to facility assignment.
  2. All activities and events which require the scheduling of campus facilities shall be initiated through Student Life and Leadership Development.
  3. The Event Planning Checklist should be used to ensure all requirements are satisfied in advance. Event requests will be sent to the Director of Student Life and Leadership.

Fund-Raising Projects and Activities

  1. Requests for conducting fund-raising projects must be submitted to the Student Leadership Program Director or their advisor.
  2. Fund-raising projects must satisfy the following criteria:
    1. It must be sponsored by a recognized student organization;
    2. Income must be deposited to the organization's funding account for the purpose of furthering its programs;
    3. Funds raised to benefit individuals or organizations shall be deposited into a special college account through the Student Leadership Program Director to facilitate distribution; and
    4. No individual(s) shall realize a personal financial gain from the project.
  3. A complete financial statement shall be submitted to the Student Leadership Program Director at the completion of such fee-charged or fund-raising event showing:
    1. Gross income;
    2. Itemized expenses; and
    3. Net profit (or loss).

Organizational Funds

  1. All funds shall be deposited in an account in College Finance.
  2. Funds will remain in the organization's account as long as it continues to function as an active and recognized organization. If a student club should cease to operate for a period of two years, any unencumbered funds will revert to the Council of Clubs upon approval of the Dean of Student Engagement. 
  3. All requisitions shall bear the signature(s) of the designated club officer(s) and the signature of its advisor.
  4. No student organization shall accrue a debt at the end of any academic fiscal year. 

Off-Campus Activities

  1. Student organizations may schedule off-campus activities. However, the Student Leadership Program Director must be informed, in writing and in advance, as to the time, place, date, and purpose of the event.
  2. The clubs/organization advisor must be informed of the off-campus activity, approve of the off-campus activity and be present if possible.

Academic Requirements for Student Leaders

  1. Student leaders must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher
  2. Student leaders must complete a minimum of 6 credits per term at Lane
  3. Student leaders must complete a minimum of 12 credits at Lane within the past two years before assuming leadership positions. 
  4. Student leaders must be actively enrolled in a degree-seeking or certificate-seeking program at Lane. 
  5. Student leaders must be in Good Academic Standing and comply with the college's Satisfactory Academic Progress procedure.
  6. Students who do not meet any of the requirements may appeal to the Dean of Student Engagement.

Student Organization Speakers

  1. Clubs and organizations may have on or off-campus speakers. No attempt is made to regulate the selection of speakers. Organizations are encouraged to invite the student body to hear speakers.
  2. Requests for permission to sponsor the activity (including speakers) must be arranged through the Student Leadership Program Director. Such requests should be in writing and include the following:
    1. Purpose of the activity;
    2. Facility needed;
    3. Advisor; and
    4. Security (if applicable).
    5. Complete the Speaker Contract Form 

Access, Equity, and Inclusion

The students acknowledge that the land on which they go to school is the traditional homelands of the Kalapuya people. The student organizations shall strive to make student activities available to anyone who wishes to participate. The student organizations shall also strive to truly welcome people to be a part of its activities and prevent feelings of exclusion. 


Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Thursday, August 12, 2021