This procedure describes the time-frame and steps needed to request acquisition and installation of software at Lane Community College.
Timeframe for Requests
- Requests for new software approval may take up to one month.
- All requests for lab/classroom approved software installations must be made by the fourth week of the term previous to the term of desired installation.
- All other requests can be made as needed.
Requesting Installation of Software
- All software at Lane Community College must be on the Approved Software list.
- Verify if software is on the Approved Software list.
- To request software additions to the approved list or to purchase new software, use the Request for New Software Approval Form.
- To request installation of approved software, use the Software Installation Request Form.
Approved Software List
- Please review the Approved Software list.
- If the software is not on the list, proceed to the Request to Add Software section.
- If the software is on the list, please note the licensing type.
- If the licensing is a site license or freeware, you can immediately proceed to the Request to Install section.
- If the licensing is any other type, proceed to the Request to Purchase section.
Request to Add or Purchase Software
- Complete the Request for New Software Approval Form.
- Information Technology will:
- review your request
- determine if there is existing approved software that is comparable
- if comparable software exists, I.T. will contact you to discuss options
- verify licensing requirements, and
- test the software to ensure compatibility with our existing systems
- If necessary, I.T. will contact you to purchase a single copy for testing purposes
- Depending on the nature of the software, and the intended destination, the testing procedure may include a test computer being made available. This allows isolated performance testing, by the usage experts, before the software is deployed.
- If your requested software is approved, it will be added to the Approved Software list, and you will be notified via email.
Request to Install Software
- Complete the Software Installation Request Form.
- Information Technology will:
- Verify that the requested software is on the approved software list
- Verify that the licensing exists to accommodate your request
- Verify that the software installation media is available
- Schedule the installation
- Install and test