This policy guides the procurement and usage of software at Lane Community College, aligning our process with educational and institutional objectives. It ensures cost-effectiveness, college infrastructure compatibility, accessibility, and legal standards adherence. The policy supports our community's technological needs, and enhances teaching, learning, and operations while fostering strategic and collaborative decision-making.
All software must be approved by IT prior to purchase, installation on Lane Community College hardware, or integration with college systems.
- LCC Employees:
- Employees shall use the Software Request Procedure prior to acquisition of new software. This includes software purchased with funds from grants, bonds, etc., and software that is free of cost.
- IT Division:
- Establish and regularly publish procedures for software requests and procurement, including capturing the goal of the request and determining what problem or need is being addressed.
- Evaluate software requests from staff and administration in collaboration with college stakeholders.
- Maintain oversight of the procurement process, ensuring compliance with IT security, accessibility, budgetary guidelines, and software licensing requirements.
- As appropriate, collaborate with the Academic Technology Center (ATC) to assess the technical feasibility and compatibility of requested software.
- Provide ongoing support for implemented software solutions.
- Communicate decisions and options for resolving the organizational need.
- Academic Technology Center:
- Assist faculty in identifying pedagogically relevant software solutions.
- Evaluate software requests from faculty members, considering instructional objectives and academic needs.
- Collaborate with IT to ensure technical compatibility and feasibility of recommended software.
- IT and ATC:
- Conduct regular meetings and establish communication channels between IT and ATC to ensure alignment, exchange feedback, and discuss emerging software needs.
- Develop and publish clear procedures and evaluation criteria for software selection, long-term support, communication, and end-of-life.
- Establish mechanisms to facilitate the adoption and sustainability of selected solutions.
- Offer training and ongoing support to employees utilizing approved software for educational purposes.
- IT Division:
- Holds final decision-making authority regarding software procurement, ensuring alignment with IT infrastructure, security protocols, and budgetary constraints.
- Academic Technology Center:
- Provides recommendations based on pedagogical merits and instructional relevance for software utilized in academic settings.
Procedure Requirements and Considerations
All software acquisitions classified as 'major' according to the criteria outlined in the IT procurement procedure must be coordinated with the IT department. IT is responsible for ensuring that software purchases align with the college’s overall technology strategy while meeting the needs of college users.
To meet that, the IT Department will collaborate with the purchaser (software sponsor) to review the software based on the following guidelines:
- Cost-Efficiency and Budget Optimization
- Compatibility and Redundancy
- Technical Feasibility, Security, Availability, and Accessibility
Software: Operating systems, network operating systems, computer applications, cloud-based software, or software services (SAAS.)