Accounts Payable
Invoice Submittal/Check Request Form (in Etrieve)
For better internal controls in Accounts Payable (especially during remote work) use the Invoice Submittal/Check Request Form (in Etrieve), attach the invoice and submitt.
Most invoices are paid via Purchase Order (PO) process, if that is the case all you need to do is enter the PO number and attach the invoice. You are welcome to fill out the form but only the PO number is necessary.
Linda Reling is your contact if you questions, training, or needed improvements to the form.
This will be current process for submitting invoices/check requests/travel reimbursements:
- An employee will go to the Invoice Submittal/Check Request Form (in Etrieve) (form is in Etrieve)
- They fill out the form, attach documentation and submit to a manager from a list
- The employee receives an email saying it was received.
- An email notification is sent to the manager
- The manager approves or denies it in Softdocs. You can also add comments by clicking on the History icon
- An email is sent to Accounting Manager
- Accounting Manager approves or denies it in Softdocs. You can also add comments by clicking on the History icon
- An email is sent to Accounts Payable
- Accounts Payable approves or denies it in Softdocs. You can also add comments by clicking on the History icon
- The workflow ends and the employee is notified by email to their Lane email.
- You can either download or store the PDF outside of Softdocs/Etrieve or leave it there(you can search by person, or PO number. Only those in your group(and the employee) can see it.
Softdocs Training and Additional Information
- Softdocs training video for Lane employees
- List of current active Softdocs eforms
- Additional Information about Softdocs
Other Accounts Payable Services:
Invoices - Accounts Payable
Linda Reling: Vendors A-M
Pam King: Vendors N-Z
For more information:
Amazon & Office Depot – Linda
Coordinates the setup Lane employees with their own personal profile in order to create orders.
Purchasing Cards – Pam
For more information:
Returned Checks – All
Research returned checks for vendors, students, and employees; attempt to find a current address. Checks two or more years older are considered “stale dated” and the funds are sent to the State of Oregon for the Oregon School Fund.
Travel Reimbursement
Linda: A-M
Pam: N-Z
For more information:
Vendor Set-Ups and Maintenance - All
Who We Are
Linda Reling
Financial Specialist
Phone: (541) 463-5839
Pam King
Financial Specialist
Phone: (541) 463-5600