
Vehicle Regulations






Public Safety


(541) 463-5558

Primary Contact

Lisa Rupp

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President, Finance & Administration


This procedure describes the responsibilities of Public Safety officers in relation to vehicles on campus, as well as the types of parking available on the main campus, the application process for special permits, the fine structure, and the appeals process.


Lane Community College does not assume responsibility for any motor vehicle, or its contents, parked or operated on college property.

Motor Vehicle Regulations

The Lane Community College Board of Education has exercised its authority to adopt traffic and parking regulations under Oregon Revised Statute 341.300. All current Oregon traffic laws apply on campus.  In addition, college specific regulations may be posted.  Public Safety officers have full authority as under ORS 341.290 in enforcing traffic regulations on campus.

Persons operating motor vehicles on campus must meet Oregon State licensure and insurance requirements.

Maximum speed on all college roadways and adjacent roads is 20 mph.  Maximum speed in parking lots may not exceed 15 mph, or as posted, whichever is lower.


Parking is permitted in designated parking spaces only.  All legal parking spaces are defined by designated lines or concrete bumpers.  Responsibility for locating a legal parking space rests with the vehicle operator.

General Parking is available in all lots and is on a first come/first served basis.

Accessible Parking spaces are available in lots A, B, C, D, E, L, M, N, and between Buildings 7 & 9. All persons with state-issued disability parking permits may use these spaces. Valid placards must be displayed.

Special Permit Parking has been designated in many of the parking lots on campus. To apply for a special permit for a specific area, contact the Public Safety office. The Public Safety office issues permits for restricted areas.

Vendor/Trades Parking permits may be issued by the Public Safety office for vendors and trades persons on the 30th Ave. campus.

Loading and Unloading permits may be issued by the Public Safety office to persons for loading/unloading required college related materials.

Overnight Vehicle Parking is allowed only by special arrangement with Pubic Safety for unoccupied vehicles. No overnight camping allowed.

Traffic Enforcement

Traffic Stops: When a Public Safety officer observes a moving violation, the officer will conduct a traffic stop. Persons attempting to elude a Public Safety officer may be stopped by another law enforcement agency, subject to arrest, and/or referred for further internal procedures and processes. When Public Safety officers are unable to identify the operator of the vehicle, the citation shall be served on the registered owner.

Eluding Public Safety officers may result in additional penalties and consequences, including reports to other law enforcement agencies, Human Resources follow-up, and/or Academic and Student Affairs follow-up.

Parking Violations: Parking tickets will be placed on windshields. Parking citations are the responsibility of the registered owner. Instructions for clearing and appealing citations are printed on the back of the citations. Citations may only be appealed for 10 days after issue date.

Parking Violations*: First Second Third Third +
Parking in any posted accessible space without a valid permit, or failure to display permit


$240 $360 $360 + Referral
Parked in covered area by the Center Building $25 $50 $100 $100 + Referral
 Parked in a fire lane
*Note: Vehicle may be towed and towing fees will attach.


$80 $160

$160 + Referral

Parked overtime in any time limited space $20 $50 $100 $100 + Referral

 Parked next to a yellow curb across a yellow line

$20 $50 $100 $100 + Referral
Parked on a sidewalk or in a pedestrian area $20 $50 $100 $100 + Referral
 Partially or completely blocking another vehicle, street, or driveway*
*Note: Vehicle may be towed and towing fees will attach.
$20 $50 $100 $100 + Referral
Parked in a manner that takes up two spaces


$50 $100 $100 + Referral
Blocking or restricting a building entrance $20 $50 $100 $100 + Referral
Parked on any area not designated as a parking lot or roadway $20 $50 $100 $100 + Referral
Parked in a posted special permit or restricted parking area $20 $50 $100 $100 + Referral
Parked overtime in a time limited space $20 $50 $100 $100 + Referral
Parking for a continuous period over 72 hours on campus (abandoned or unauthorized overnight parking)
*Note: Vehicle may be towed and towing fees will attach.
$20 $50 $100

 $100 +

Parking in a manner that blocks access or use of the Motorcycle Course in Lot N, when scheduled for use  $20
Tow Vendor Charges
Tow Vendor Charges
Tow Vendor Charges
 $100 +
Tow Vendor Charges
Parking a non-electric vehicle in a space designated as an electric vehicle charging station $30 $60 $120 $200 + revocation of charging privileges

Officers may also issue a Uniform Traffic Citation (UTC) for violations. The bail for these UTCs is commensurate with the current Lane County fine structure or the City of Eugene fine structure, depending on the jurisdiction of the violation. UTCs are typically issued on Lane County roadways and in selected locations in downtown Eugene.

Note: Tow Vendor Charges include any and all costs designated by a third-party towing company, including, but not limited to, vehicle movement to alleviate issue, storage fees, and impound towing.

Moving Violations: First Second Third Third +
Driving while suspended or without insurance $30 $50 $100 Tow Vendor Charges if applicable
Traffic Crimes $30 $50 $100 $100 + referral
Failure to yield to an emergency vehicle $30 $50 $100 $100 + Referral
Failure to stop at a stop sign $30 $50 $100 $100 + Referral
Driving on the wrong side of the street $30 $50 $100 $100 + Referral
Improper turn or lane change $30 $50 $100 $100 + Referral
Driving on areas not designated for driving $30 $50 $100 $100 + Referral
Excessive Noise $30 $50 $100 $100 + Referral
Reckless Driving $30 $50 $100

$100 + Referral


Miscellaneous Violations:

First Second Third Third +
Tobacco* (No Appeal) $25 $50 $100 $100
Bicycle/Skateboard in Prohibited Areas $20 $50 $100  $100 + Property Impound
Other Non-Vehicle Violations $20 $50 $100 $100 + Referral
Vehicle violations not listed here $20 $50 $100 $100 + Tow Vendor Charges if applicable


Vehicles parked and/or left unattended in a location that impedes traffic or fulfills one of the following conditions may be towed to an off-campus location, at owner expense:

  • Restricts pedestrian and wheelchair routes,
  • Blocks or partially blocks a service drive, fire lane, or roadway,
  • Blocks the instructional motorcycle driving course in parking lot N

Vehicles left on campus continuously for longer than 72 hours may be towed, unless prior arrangements are made with Public Safety.  Vehicles blocking the Motorcycle Course in Lot N will be towed to an available spot in that lot.


Traffic citations may be appealed to the Citation Hearings Committee using the process printed on the back of each citation.  The information is duplicated here for your convenience.

Choose one of the following options:

  1. Contact Public Safety at (541) 463-5558 to make a 5 minute presentation to the Hearings Committee concerning your citation. You will be given a hearing date when you call.
  2. Send a hand written statement to the Hearings Committee (via Public Safety) at Lane Community College, Public Safety, 4000 E 30th Ave., Eugene, OR 97405 and a decision will be made concerning your citation.
  3. Send an Email to citations@lanecc.edu with your written statement for the Hearings Committee concerning your citation.

This citation will be sent to billing after 10 business days. Payment of Fines may be mailed to:

P.O. Box 7100, Lane Community College, Eugene, OR, 97405-0025.
You may pay in person at Enrollment Services in Building 1. Students, Staff and Faculty may pay by credit card through myLane. Please note Public Safety does not accept payments for citations.

Persons have 10 working days to request a hearing for a parking citation.

If you have any questions please call (541) 463-5558.

Traffic citations may be appealed to the Citation Hearings Committee.

Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Monday, April 17, 2017
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