This procedure describes vehicle regulations and enforcement, parking options, and violations process at the Lane Community College Mary Spilde Downtown Center.
Lane Community College does not assume any responsibility for any motor vehicle, or its contents, parked or operated on college property. Responsibility for locating a legal parking space rests with the operator of the motor vehicle. Lack of a readily available "convenient" parking space is not an excuse for violation of parking regulations.
The Lane Community College Public Safety Department enforces parking regulations under ORS 341.300. All current Oregon traffic and parking laws apply on campus properties. In addition, college-specific regulations may be posted and enforced. Public Safety officers have full authority as peace officers to enforce traffic regulations on campus. Persons operating motor vehicles on campus must meet Oregon State licensure and insurance requirements.
Mary Spilde Downtown Center Parking
The following procedure reflects parking at the Mary Spilde Downtown Center, located in downtown Eugene:
- A limited number of parking spaces are reserved through the City of Eugene for Lane Community College employees. These spaces must be paid for by either the employee or the employee's department.
- At the Mary Spilde Downtown Center, only vehicles that have official business with the college may park on college property. This definition includes employees engaged in legitimate work activities, vendors, contractors, or other specifically designated or authorized persons. Other individuals not described here are subject to fine and/or towing as vehicle regulations permit.
- At the Mary Spilde Mary Spilde Downtown Center, Public Safety vehicles have designated parking. Public Safety vehicle parking is located in the "Emergency Vehicle" parking spaces on the west side of the center. Public Safety, in a cooperative relationship with the City of Eugene, may issue Eugene municipal citations for these spaces. The City of Eugene may also enforce parking in these spaces.
Mary Spilde Downtown Center Loading/Unloading
A temporary parking area located on the south side of the Mary Spilde Downtown Center has been designated as a loading and unloading space. Loading and unloading may also take place in the rear of the Mary Spilde Downtown Center, on the north side of the building.
Parking citations are placed on windshields.
Unpaid Lane Community College citations not cleared within ten days are sent to College Finance for billing. Billing may result in additional charges added to the amount of the fine. For additional information on penalties and consequences for failing to remit payment of bails, see: Vehicle Regulations Procedure and Public Safety Department Citation Process.
Instructions for Clearing Citations
Instructions for clearing and appealing citations are printed on the back of the citation. Citations received at the Mary Spilde Downtown Center may also be cleared and appealed at the Public Safety desk located at the Dowtown Center.
Citations previously billed by the college may be paid by mail, or in person at Enrollment Services located in Building #1 on the 30th Ave. Campus, or at the Mary Spilde Downtown Center. If you have any questions, contact Downtown Public Safety at (541) 463-6267.
Municipal Citations
For information relating to parking ticket payments to the City of Eugene and Eugene Municipal Citations, please see the City of Eugene Parking Tickets Payment information.