
Information Technology: Computer Replacement






Information Technology


(541) 463-3341

Primary Contact

Fred Rankin

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President of Information Technology


To provide guidelines and methods for upgrading computer technology.


Lab computers are updated approximately every three to four years or as performance falls below acceptable levels. Lab hardware upgrade requests are made through the Contingency Request Process using the Contingency Request Form.

Administrative computers are managed through the Computer Hardware Replacement Plan, and are upgraded every three to four years based on budget. All full-time employees and part-time classified and management employees will receive upgraded equipment under this replacement plan. Part-time faculty and timesheet employees can request a loaner computer for the duration of their employment by using the Loaner Equipment Request for Part-Time Employees form.

Computer replacements outside the planned replacement cycle detailed in the Computer Hardware Replacement plan can be requested using the Information Technology Special Request Form.

Standardized hardware (including the college’s base software image) is provided. We have standard PC and Mac configurations. Requests to purchase outside of the standard configuration are evaluated on a case by case basis.

All college-use computers must be purchased through I.T. and are considered college property. This equipment is provided for employee use for college-related purposes. 

It is the responsibility of each employee to move their data from their old computer to their new computer. A USB flash drive will be provided for data transfer.


Date Adopted

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Date Last Reviewed

Monday, November 2, 2020
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