Computer Hardware Replacement Plan

Information Technology Computer Hardware Replacement Plan

Information Technology (I.T.) has received bond funding to replace computers (both Apple OS and Windows OS based) for Lane employees over the next three years (2020-2021 through 2022-2023). This replacement plan is for all full-time Lane employees for their primary computer used for college related work. When a computer is replaced, the old computer is returned to Information Technology, so that it may be upgraded and re-deployed as secondary computers for those with a demonstrated need, as an upgrade for part-time staff or student worker computer, or as a replacement for equipment that has failed. All equipment that is too outdated to be useful will be properly disposed of.

Computers will be replaced every three to four years based on budget availability. Full time and some part time employee computers are included in this computer replacement plan. Loaner computers will be provided to part-time employees for the duration of their employment, by request and based on availability. Loaner computers can be requested by completing this form: Loaner Equipment Request for Part-Time Employees

As part of this computer replacement plan for 2020-2023, I.T. will be providing a laptop computer and a USB flash drive for data transfer. If needed, additional hardware such as a second monitor, docking station and cabling may also be provided although additional hardware will need to be funded through departmental funding.

  • Lenovo T16Picture of Dell Laptop
  • Quad Core - 10th Gen i715" Display
  • 16GB Ram
  • 512 GB M2 Solid State Drive
  • Weighs approximately 3.2lbs.

Requests for a configuration outside of the standard will be considered on a case by case basis and will require additional information and Dean/Manager approval.

Replacement Cycle:

The approved Detailed Computer Replacement Cycle is now available. The process and distribution plan are contained here.

If there is an immediate need for a replacement outside of this planned replacement cycle, a special request may be submitted. These requests will be reviewed and accommodated if possible, but equipment availability is limited. Please submit special requests via this form:  Information Technology Special Request Form

Important: If you are hiring a new employee, please complete this form: New Employee Technology Request rather than the special request form above. This will ensure that this new employee receives equipment and access to all the appropriate Lane systems to facilitate their work.

Additional Notes:

All computer labs/classrooms, enhanced classrooms, and COWs (Computers-on-Wheels) are replaced through technology fee funding and are not included in this plan. Computers for departmental checkout to students or staff, will be handled through the use of recovered equipment.

Full-time employee use computers are normally purchased via general fund, capital outlay, and/or grants. Student use computers, such as lab and classroom equipment are purchased via technology fee, grants, or other sources. The ability to provide replacement and/or refreshed equipment is fully dependent on available budget which is determined annually.