
Building Keys and Access Cards




Health and Safety


Public Safety, Facilities Management and Planning


(541) 463-5558

Primary Contact

Lisa Rupp (Access Cards), Jennifer Hayward (Building Keys)

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President, Finance & Administration


This procedure describes the key and key card procedures and responsibilities.


Control of keys and key cards is necessary to maintain appropriate security and safety measures and to safeguard college buildings and equipment. Responsibilities of each group are summarized below:  

Department Managers

  • Approving key requests for employees in their area(s).  
  • Notifying Facilities and Public Safety when a staff person leaves the college or transfers to a new department. This will prompt Facilities to remind the employee to return their keys.  It will also prompt Public Safety to deactivate the key card or to change rights (in the case of a person moving to a new department). Access cards that were issued to employees who retire, are terminated, or end their employment relationship with the college will be rendered inactive on the employee's last working day, or at the time requested by Human Resources.
  • If employees lose or do not return keys upon exit, the associated department may be assessed the fees outlined below.

Individual Key Users

  • Safeguarding keys and key cards against loss or theft.
  • Contacting Public Safety at 541-463-5558 immediately upon learning of loss or theft of keys or key cards.  Also contact Facilities at 541-463-5000 upon learning of lost keys.  Lost cards will be deactivated as soon as Public Safety is notified. 
  • Personally paying fees as outlined below for lost or stolen keys or key cards.
  • Returning keys to Facilities when changing jobs, moving to a new department or leaving the college.

Public Safety

  • Approving key card requests from Department Managers.
  • Distributing, activating, and deactivating of key cards.


  • Approving key requests from Department Managers.
  • Distributing keys, maintaining key contracts, ensuring that keys are returned.
  • Changing locks as needed and appropriate to improve safety and security.
  • Maintaining access systems including locks and electronic access control devices.

Fee Assessment

In lieu of a key deposit, a fee assessment schedule is implemented with the fee appropriate to the access level of the key. This fee shall be assessed when a person or department cannot account for the keys issued to them. The fee schedule is as follows:

  • Key (including keys/labor):  $75 per key, up to a maximum of $500
  • Department/Area Key: Only issued to Department/Area/Unit Deans, Managers, Directors:  $75 per door, up to a maximum of $500
  • Fleet Vehicle Key (Traditional Keys):  $50 per key
  • Fleet Vehicle Key (Smart Keys):  $250 per key
  • Lost Key Card Replacement Fee:  $10 per key card (This fee covers the cost of the card.  Refunds will not be given for replaced cards that are later found).

Grand Master Keys

Exterior door building master keys will only be issued to the College president, vice presidents, the Chief Human Resources Officer, the Controller, the Director of Facilities, the Director of Public Safety, and Public Safety Officers. The College President or a direct designee of the President may authorize issuance of grand master keys to other employees as appropriate.

Obtaining Keys

  • Submit a Facilities work order listing the doors to which the employee needs access.
  • Department manager to email facilitiesoffice@lanecc.edu approval of the key request stating the work order number within the email.
  • Once the key has been fabricated, Facilities staff will notify the recipient that the key is ready to pick up at the Facilities Office in Building 7.
  • The key must be picked up by the person the key was issued to.  The person must bring valid photo ID and sign a key contract.  Keys not picked up within 30 days will be returned to inventory.
  • Please allow up to two weeks for Facilities staff to process key requests.

All new keys will be stamped "Do Not Duplicate." Only college employees (including student employees) will be issued keys. (Exception: See Contractors and Consultants section below).

Any person who requests the same key as has been previously issued to him or her, as evidenced by a key contract, will not be issued that key until they have paid the fee for the lost key.  Multiple keys of the same kind can not be issued to one person. 

Obtaining Key Cards

  • Department manager to email keycard@lanecc.edu to request key cards.  The email should state the employee’s name, “ L “ number, department in which they work, and the doors to which the employee should have access. 
  • Manager or designee to communicate with keycard@lanecc.edu to arrange a time for employee to pick up key card.  
  • Key cards are picked up in the Public Safety lobby in Building 12.  Employees must bring photo ID and have their photo taken at the time of card pick up.

Most requests for access control cards are granted without additional review; however, on occasion Public Safety will require additional clarification or information about the level of access requested. In all cases, Public Safety staff will determine whether or not such access is reasonable and does not pose any unnecessary security risk for the college.

Locking Devices

Unless approved by the Facilities Director or Public Safety Manager in writing, employees may not use locking devices on college property that is independent of the college keying system.

Special Security Locking System

A department manager may identify an area within a department that requires a higher level of security due to information sensitivity or a concentration of costly equipment. In these cases, Facilities can install a more highly secure lock or access control hardware at the expense of the requesting department.

Downtown Residence Building Key System Administration

The property management firm will have full responsibility to manage and coordinate key issuance at the Titan Court residence building. This shall include key contracts, replacement of lost or stolen keys and associated lockset cores, rotation of key cores, and maintenance of the door locksets to maintain functionality and the security and safety of the residents. The property management firm will order new keys, locksets, and cores by placing a Facilities work order (link to https://inside.lanecc.edu/facilities/work-requests). The property management firm shall maintain confidentiality of all key pin, core design, and other such aspects of the system that allow the key system to remain secure. Should the property management firm allow the key system to be rendered insecure, all costs associated with replacement of key cores, keys, and locksets shall be borne by the property management firm and strictly coordinated by Facilities staff.

Public Safety provides oversight for Titan Court staff who will facilitate access control cards for residents and staff.

Consultant or Contractor Access

Exterior door master keys will not be issued at any time to any consultants or contractors. No exceptions shall be made. However, access cards may be issued as needed, when authorized in writing by the responsible college manager.

Facilities department staff may issue a set of keys, including specific access keys to specific areas, to both types of consultants and contractors, who are under contract with the college, conditioned upon their compliance with the requirements specific to their relationship with the college. All transactions for keys must be conducted with Facilities staff during normal business days/hours. Normal business days/hours are Monday through Friday, 8AM – 1PM and 2PM to 4PM. Consultants and contractors must report lost or stolen keys must be reported to Facilities and Public Safety immediately.

To obtain keys, contracted consultants and contractors must complete and sign a key/access card request form, including a list of buildings and spaces that will be accessed, the duration of access requested, and acknowledgment of the potential costs that may be incurred due to lost keys. Requests must also be signed by the manager responsible for their contract. A signed key/access card request form is required for keys assigned to consultants or contractors already under contract for services. Keys assigned to an individual through this process may not be used by other consultants or contractors, or by anyone other than the responsible contractor/consultant to whom the key was issued. All keys shall be returned to the college when the contracted services are completed. The responsible consultant/contractor must notify Public Safety by phone at (541) 463-5558 whenever working on college property during evenings and weekends.

For Frequently Asked Questions on this Policy, go to: An Employee's Guide for Understanding Keys, Camera Acquisition, and Access Cards Functionality FAQ.

Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Friday, March 17, 2023
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