
Staff Statement of Prevention

Lane Community College Statement of Prevention of Alcohol Abuse and Drug Use on Campus and in the Workplace - Staff Statement

Counseling Assistance, Treatment and Rehabilitation
Community Support Services
Standards of Conduct
Calculation of Estimated Blood Alcohol Level
Progressive Alcohol Intoxication Chart
Legal Sanctions
Health Risks

Counseling Assistance, Treatment and Rehabilitation

Lane Community College is committed to the health and well-being of all its employees.  If an employee suspects that he/she has an alcohol or drug problem, it is hoped that the employee will seek early assistance for that problem.  Confidential support and referral services are available to employees by contacting:

(541) 342-4357
Community resources are listed.

Benefits in the treatment of alcohol and drug dependency are available to employees insured under one of the College's group insurance plans.  For more information about the coverage limits and exclusions, employees are encouraged to consult their insurance booklet or to contact, in confidence:

Human Resources Representatives
(541) 463-5586

Sick leave, vacation leave, and leave without pay can be used for this purpose with the necessary administrative approval.  Again, the college is committed to prevention, help, and rehabilitation of any employee suffering from chemical dependencies and encourages affected employees to help us help you. Eligible employees may use the Employee Assistance Program:

Classified Employees and Managers: DIRECTION for Employee Assistance
(541) 345-2800 or (800) 535-1347

Faculty:   RBH (through OEBB)
(866) 750-1327

Community Support Services

In addition to on-campus assistance, there are resources available in the community to help staff members and their families.  If you wish further information on these agencies, you may contact them directly.

Organization Telephone
Alcoholics Anonymous (541) 342-4113
ALANON (541) 741-2841
Narcotics Anonymous (541) 341-6070
Codependents Anonymous (541) 461-2528
ACOA  (Adult Children of Alcoholics) (541) 344-8556
Cocaine Abuse Hotline 1 (800)-COCAINE
1 (800) 262-2463
Lane County Alcohol and Drug Services (541) 687-4011
White Bird Clinic (541) 342-8255
Chrysalis Drug Free Program (541) 683-1641
Buckley House (Detox Center) (541) 343-6512
Serenity Lane Treatment Center (541) 687-1110

Standards of Conduct

Lane Community College supports and endorses the Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (Public Law 100-690) and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226). Pursuant to these Acts, no person shall unlawfully manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, be under the influence, or use a controlled substance or abuse alcohol on college property or as part of any college activity. Any employee of the college found to be abusing alcohol or using, possessing, manufacturing, or distributing controlled substances in violation of the law on college property or at college events shall be subject to the standard progressive disciplinary action up to and including termination and referral for prosecution. Rehabilitation may be required of an employee as a condition of continued employment.

Conducting College Business While Under The Influence of Alcohol, Abusing Alcohol, or any Alcohol Use* on College Property is Strictly Forbidden.*
Except as noted and allowed in board policy (Instruction or hospitality permit). Under the influence and abuse means exceeding a blood alcohol level of .08, or binge drinking. (Please refer to the alcohol dosage and time chart in your employee handout. Note the weights given for your gender are the medically defined "optimal" weights). Know your weight? Know how much you drank at what time? What time is it now?

Calculation of Estimated Blood Alcohol Level

Body Weight:  Calculations are for adults with a normal body weight for their height, who are free of illegal drugs or medications and are neither unusually thin nor obese. These charts do not take into account age (youth or elders). The effects of alcohol are more pronounced on youth, older adults and people with poor general health and with chronic conditions such as diabetes. If you are overweight by the commonly accepted  medical definition, use what your ideal weight should be.

Drink Equivalents: 1 drink / 1 dose equals:

  • 1 1/2 ounces of rum, rye, scotch, brandy, gin, vodka etc.
  • 1 12-oz. bottle of normal-strength beer 3-4%
  • Approximately 7 - 8 oz. of Malt Liquor, or a strong micro brew.
  • 3 ounces of fortified wine
  • 4 - 5 ounces of table wine

Allow an hour per dose before returning to work. Example 2 glasses of wine, allow two hours from time of last dose.

Alcohol is a drug, drugs come in doses.  Each of the above is considered 1 dose of the drug alcohol.  Alcohol is marketed in containers that may contain more than one dose. Many people consider 1 drink to be whatever the packaging the drug comes in rather than the actual amount of the drug. Many people are conditioned towards consuming alcohol in the available package, rather than consuming the appropriate dose for the situation.  Thus people can actually consume toxic, or dangerous amounts of alcohol without being aware of it until the negative effects become obvious. Under the best conditions your body can metabolize roughly 1 dose per hour of alcohol. The Harvard School of Public Health definition of alcohol abuse (binge drinking) is five or more drinks at a sitting for men, 4 or more drinks in a sitting for women.

Example: Harry weighs 180 pounds. If Harry drinks two six packs (12 doses) on Sunday night, by midnight, goes to sleep at 2AM. By the time he gets up and goes to work at 8 while he may feel fine he is still legally drunk.

Example: Sally weighs 125 pounds. Some friends take her out to lunch, and she drinks 2 and a half glasses of wine with the meal and returns to work. While she may feel fine, she is legally drunk.

Some campuses define responsible or low risk use of alcohol by the 21-0-1-2 or 3 rule. Drink only if you are legal age 21-,  0 -if you drive, are in recovery, or have medical conditions or family history, 1 - drink per hour, no more than 2 to 3 drinks in an evening.

Using the Chart: Find the appropriate figure using the proper chart (male or female), body weight and number of drinks consumed.  Then subtract the time factor (see time factor table below) from the figure on the chart to obtain the approximate BAC.  For example, a hundred fifty lb. man who has had four drinks in four hours, take the figure. 116 (from the chart for males) and subtract .030 (From the Time factor Table) to obtain a BAC of .086%.

Time Factor Table
Hours Since First Drink
1      2      3      4      5       6
Subtract from   BAC
 .015  .030   .045  .060   .075   .090

Males Number of drinks
Body Weight (lbs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
100 .043 .087 .130 .174 .217 .261 .304 .348 .391 .435
125 .034 .069 .103 .139 .173 .209 .242 .278 .312 .346
150 .029 .058 .087 .116 .145 .174 .203 .232 .261 .290
175 .025 .050 .075 .100 .125 .150 .175 .200 .225 .250
200 .022 .043 .065 .087 .108 .130 .152 .174 .195 .217
225 .019 .039 .057 .078 .097 .117 .136 .156 .175 .195
250 .017 .035 .057 .070 .087 .105 .122 .139 .156 .173


Females Number of drinks
Body Weight (lbs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
100 .060 .101 .152 .203 .253 .304 .355 .406 .456 .507
125 .040 .080 .120 .162 .202 .244 .282 .324 .364 .404
150 .034 .068 .101 .135 .169 .203 .237 .271 .304 .338
175 .029 .058 .087 .117 .146 .175 .204 .233 .262 .292
200 .026 .050 .076 .101 .126 .152 .177 .203 .227 .253
225 .022 .045 .068 .091 .113 .136 .159 .182 .204 .227
250 .020 .041 .061 .082 .101 .122 .142 .162 .182 .202

Chart modified from The Encyclopedia of Alcoholism by Glen Evans and Robert O'Brien. Copyright 1991 by Facts On File and Greenspring, Inc. Reprinted with permission of Facts On File Inc. , New York.

Progressive Alcohol Intoxication Chart

Relief from Anxiety
Impaired Memory

Impaired Judgement:
.04 Legal Intoxication for Commercial Drivers License holder in Oregon.

.08 Legally Intoxicated for adult drivers in Oregon.
Impaired Speech
Hypnosis (Sleep)
Pain Perception - Anesthesia
Loss of Control of Bodily Functions (Urination, Defecation)
Breathing / Heart Rate

.50 Generally considered lethal dose for inexperienced user.

Legal intoxication is a strict weight / dose relationship. Impairment has been found to be constant regardless of tolerance.  The term " illegal" and/or "controlled substance" as used in this policy means substances included in Schedules I through V (Appendix A lists some of them) as defined by the United States Code and the Code of Federal Regulations.

The college's anti-drug policy does not apply to the following substances when used in the following circumstances:

  1. Intoxicating Beverages
    When used for cooking and/or instructional purposes in food preparation labs or courses related to the science and/or service of alcoholic beverages or authorized foodservice activities as approved by the President in writing.
  2. Prescription Drugs
    When used as legally prescribed by an individual's licensed health care provider.
  3. Glues and Thinners
    When used in course-related lab environment, in plant construction and maintenance, and in normal office functions.

As a condition of employment, all employees shall abide by the terms and conditions of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.  An employee must notify the college of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction.  Such notice shall be provided in writing to the director of Personnel.  The college will, in turn, notify as appropriate, the applicable federal agency of the conviction within ten (10) days of its receipt of notification of the conviction.  For such conviction, the college will take appropriate personnel action, up to and including discharge.  Failure by the employee to give appropriate notice to the college may result in the standard progressive disciplinary action up to and including discharge.  Employees may also be required to satisfactorily participate in a drug rehabilitation program before being allowed to return to work.

Legal Sanctions

There are serious legal consequences for possessing, delivering, and using controlled substances.  Information on State and Federal penalties for the possession of drugs can be obtained from many sources including the Substance Abuse Prevention Office.  As the prevention office places emphasis on substance abuse as a public health issue, its mission is primarily health promotion.  Formal involvement with the program is covered by Federal confidentiality laws, which strictly limit information sharing about a person's involvement with the program.  However, if a person is an immediate danger to themselves or others, State and Federal laws mandate that appropriate action be taken.

Health Risks

Possible health risks associated with prescription and other major drug use categories can be obtained from the Substance Abuse Prevention Office.  Both needle sharing, among injectable drug users, as well as unprotected sex increase the risks of HIV infection and Hepatitis B disease.  Eighty percent (80%) of the U.S. HIV + population, has some sort of Alcohol and Other Drug involvement in their history.

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