Printing and Graphics Services






Printing and Graphics


(541) 463-5850

Primary Contact

Brett Rowlett

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Executive Director of External Affairs


This procedure provides information to students, staff, and the public about the services provided by the College's Printing and Graphics Department, and the process for requesting services.


The Printing and Graphics Department is the primary source for all Lane Community College printing and duplication. No work should be sourced to outside vendors without first contacting the Lane Community College Printing and Graphics department. Department staff will direct you to an outside vendor if the Department is unable to complete the work.

This department provides printing and graphics production services to college departments, students, and the general public. Services include: duplicating, offset printing, bindery services, color copying, laminating, typesetting, and graphic design for brochures, newsletters, flyers, posters, signs, overhead transparencies, etc.

All requests for Printing/Graphics services are made in one of two ways:

  1. By completing a 3-part carbonless, LCC Printing/Graphics Order Form. Retain the pink copy for your records. Submit the job with the white and yellow copies attached. The yellow copy, which includes charges for services, will be returned to you with the completed job. Originals, or electronic files submitted for printing or copying, should have instructions clearly stated on the LCC Printing/Graphics Order Form.
  2. By submitting an online order request through the Print Shop Pro portal.  Please see P&G for information on obtaining a login for Print Shop Pro by calling x3120 or x5372.

Orders are picked up and delivered twice daily to departments on main campus, and daily to the Downtown Center. If your timelines do not fit with our delivery schedule, you may pick up your order on the pick-up shelf located in Printing/Graphics. Please state pick-up or delivery instructions on the order form.

If assistance is required to complete the order form, or there are questions regarding your project, call Printing/Graphics, (541) 463-5373, or visit the Printing and Graphics website.

Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Monday, August 31, 2015