Performance Evaluations




Human Resources


Human Resources


(541) 463-5115

Primary Contact

Shane Turner

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President of Human Resources


This procedure describes the types and frequency of performance evaluations required for management, faculty, and classified employees. It is the responsibility of the management supervisor to regularly evaluate employees; this responsibility cannot be delegated.


Performance Evaluations: General Requirements

Performance evaluations are the responsibility of the management supervisor.  While input can be gathered from other sources, it is the manager's responsibility to provide written documentation of each employee's performance.  This responsibility cannot be delegated to a classified or faculty employee serving in a lead capacity.

To be effective, the evaluation must be objective and based on good records that document the employee's actual performance with reference to the assigned job duties and responsibilities.  Supervisors are encouraged to provide employees with feedback and opportunities for two-way communications on a year-round basis.  At a minimum, supervisors are required to conduct formal evaluations as provided in the Classified Contract, Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement or in the Management Employees Working Conditions Document.  Written documentation of evaluation results, signed by  both the employee and the management supervisor must be submitted to Human Resources where it will be added to the employee's official personnel file.

Performance Evaluations: Classified Employees

Trial service evaluations

All new classified employees and certain current employees in new assignments, must successfully complete a trial service period before moving to regular (non-trial service) status.  The trial service period for each category of employees is defined in the classified contract.  A new employee may serve a shorter trial service period if the management supervisor completes a written evaluation prior to the end of the standard trial service period and submits it to Human Resources with a recommendation to move the employee to regular status.  For assistance with a trial service evaluation, contact Human Resources.

Annual evaluations

Annual evaluations are required for all non-trial service employees working .50 FTE or more on a regular basis, except that if a trial service evaluation has been conducted in the three months prior to the annual evaluation deadline, an annual evaluation is not also required.  The requirements of the process are defined in the classified contract and outlined on the evaluation form.  Annual evaluations are due in Human Resources on June 1 of each fiscal year.

Blank Classified Employee Performance Evaluation Forms for annual and trial service evaluations are available in Human Resources.

Performance Evaluations: Faculty Employees

Comprehensive evaluations

Comprehensive evaluations are conducted for new contracted faculty employees during each of the first three years of contracted employment or as provided otherwise in the faculty contract. The requirements of the process are explained in the faculty contract and outlined on the faculty comprehensive evaluation record sheet. A list of probationary faculty for whom comprehensive evaluations are required will be submitted to each instructional/student services department by Human Resources during fall term. It is the responsibility of the management supervisor to ensure that Human Resources receives a completed comprehensive evaluation for each employee on that list no later than March 1 of that evaluation year. If non-renewal is recommended by the supervisor and approved by the vice president, Human Resources will prepare the required notification to be sent to the employee by the February 15 notification deadline. 

Annual evaluations may be conducted for contracted faculty employees once the probationary period is completed, as provided in the faculty contract.

Performance Evaluations: Management Employees

Comprehensive evaluations

All new management employees must successfully complete a trial service period defined in the management working conditions document.  A comprehensive evaluation is required for each new manager prior to the end of the trial service period and in each of the following two years.  All other managers are to receive a comprehensive evaluation once every two years.

A list of managers for whom comprehensive evaluations are required will be submitted to the vice presidents and president (for Executive Services managers) by Human Resources during fall term prior to the evaluation deadline.  The vice president/president is responsible for providing Human Resources with a list of individuals to participate in the manager's upward evaluation.  Human Resources will distribute forms to all participants in the process and coordinate the dissemination of upward evaluation responses to the appropriate vice president/president.  It is the responsibility of the management supervisor to ensure that Human Resources receives an evaluation summary for each employee on this list no later than June 1 of that evaluation year.

Biennial Performance Review

A two-year rotating cycle is being used, with managers being reviewed once in a two year period. Selection to the yearly groupings will be made by the supervisor. The only exception to this will be managers who are on a "Needs Improvement" plan. Those managers will be reviewed by their supervisor annually. Human Resources will distribute forms and rating criteria (including the due date for evaluations) to management supervisors during spring term of the evaluation year.

Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Thursday, October 9, 2014