Instructional Room Scheduling






Enrollment Success/Registrar


(541) 463-5686

Primary Contact

Dawn Whiting

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President of Academic Affairs and Vice President of Student Affairs


This procedure lists the types of instructional spaces located on Lane Community College campuses and describes the process for scheduling those spaces.

Instructional spaces:

  1. General-use classroom; lecture teaching method
  2. Laboratory: experimental, practice, demonstration, or equipment focused instruction
  3. Lecture/lab classroom: combination of a lecture classroom and lab equipped with specific tools or electronics for instruction


General-use classrooms are used for a variety of instructional purposes and are scheduled for instruction as follows::

  1. The ability to pre-assign a general-use classroom space will be granted to an academic department based on demonstrated instructional need and will be scheduled first by a department, then by the Scheduling office. These spaces are designated pre-assigned/not blocked.
  2. The Space Assignment Committee is responsible for reviewing and recommending the spaces to be pre-assigned and/or blocked. Cabinet will make the final decision on Space Assignment Committee recommendations. Requests may be made by filling out the Space Assignment Request form.
  3. The Scheduling office will be responsible for assigning all classroom spaces, with the exception of blocked laboratory spaces.

Laboratories are rooms equipped for experimentation, research, testing, or subject-specific instruction and are scheduled first through the department, then through the Scheduling office.

  1. The ability to pre-assign a laboratory will be granted to those departments for which the laboratory experience is an integral or required part of the academic program. Laboratories are designated as blocked spaces.
  2. For non-pre-assignment use of a laboratory, the instructional manager responsible for the laboratory must  grant authorization before the facility can be scheduled through the Scheduling Office. 
    1. If authorization is granted, the facility may be scheduled through the Scheduling Office.
    2. The instructional manager responsible for the facility must develop standard operating procedures for use of the laboratory and its equipment. These procedures must apply to all users of the facility.
    3. Where specialized equipment is to be used, the instructional manager shall approve all persons who use the equipment.
  3. The exception to the laboratory manager approval requirement is a general-use computer lab.

Lecture/labs are dual purpose rooms with lecture as well as laboratory facilities. These spaces will be scheduled first through the pre-assignment department, then through the Scheduling Office.

  1. The ability to pre-assign a lecture/lab will be granted to those departments that require a special facility to support their department's academic programs. Lecture/labs are designated as blocked or preassigned not blocked spaces.
  2. The Scheduling Office will be responsible for assigning all non-pre-assignment use of lecture/labs.

A cross-list is required when more than one class section will meet in the same instructional space, at the same time and the same day.  An override does not provide the information needed by the computer system to understand your intent.  An override alone is ignored and viewed as a conflict.

All non instructional and event scheduling is to be done through the Lane Event Scheduler in accordance with Facilities: Scheduling.

Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Monday, September 16, 2024