Fees: Special






Academic and Student Affairs


(541) 463-5344

Primary Contact

Grant Matthews

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs


Special fees are designed to supplement departmental general fund materials and services accounts which are insufficient to meet current needs.

Academic and Student Affairs requires an acceptable rationale for any special fees to recover costs which are not covered by general funds.

  1. Special fees shall provide direct benefit to the student which is not received in other non-fee classes, such as:
    1. Departmentally-produced text materials in lieu of or in addition to a student-purchased textbook; or
    2. Food consumed in cooking classes, field trip transportation costs, equipment loss or breakage, theater tickets purchased in bulk and resold to students, and some rental fees.
  2. Special fees may cover customary materials and services costs where inflation exceeds fiscal resources.
  3. Special fees may cover extraordinary expenses not supported by the general fund and far in excess of tuition revenues (e.g., flight fees in Aviation Professional Pilot program).

Requests for adding or changing special fees are submitted to the vice president Academic and Student Affairs and the president.

Procedure for Requesting New or Revised Special Fees

  1. Submit a completed Special Fees Request Form to the Office of Academic and Student Affairs. Deadlines for fee requests are based on the following circumstances:
    1. Existing class: Deadline for submission is three weeks prior to the start of Advanced Registration for the term the fee is to be effective.
    2. New class: Submit fee request after course has been approved by the Curriculum Approval Committee.  After approval by OASA/Pres Office, sections may be built and opened for registration.
  2. Changes or additions to special fees will be reviewed, and approved or disapproved, by the vice president Academic and Student Affairs and the president.
  3. Notification of approved special fees will be provided to the affected departments and to Enrollment Services by the Office of Academic and Student Affairs. Requests that are not approved will be sent back to the originating department.
  4. New or increased special fees that are not associated with a course offering are to be requested on a Special Non-Course Fee Request Form, and are not tied to specific deadlines. However, they may not be assessed retroactively.
  5. Enrollment Services will add the approved fee to the Banner system and notify the requesting department as appropriate.
  6. If students are registered in a section for which fees are changed, they must be notified by the department.
  7. Departments are responsible for listing special fees for each class in the term schedule.

Description of the special fee refund policy and procedure are printed in the term schedule.

(See also Refunds: General)

Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Friday, December 1, 2006