
Refunds: General






College Finance/Bursar


(541) 463-3573

Primary Contact

Roberta Wong

Contact Email

Responsible Executive Authority

Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs


Under certain circumstances, tuition and/or fees may be refunded to students. This procedures describes how to request a refund.


The amount of tuition and fee refund will be determined by the type of class and date the student officially drops it using myLane. For details, please see the Refund Procedure.

Refund deadlines are published each term in the schedule of classes. The Refund Request form is available online. Petitions for exceptions to the refund policy are reviewed by the Refund Request Team. Approvals for petition requests are limited and will only be considered when the request is submitted with attached documentation of a medical or emergency reason why a student could not drop the class by the refund deadline. Extenuating circumstances (circumstances clearly beyond a student's control) may be cause for a 100 percent refund after the refund deadline. Written verification (a note from a doctor if the student was unable to attend for medical reasons) is required. The course will remain on the transcript with a W (W) indicating that it was dropped after the deadline. It does not calculate into the GPA.

Except for an unavoidable situation, all petitions must be received in Enrollment Services by the end of the eighth week of the term. Students who cannot attend classes after the eighth week of the term because of extenuating circumstances should check the college policy for the grade options available.

Classes which Lane Community College cancels are refunded in full. Refunds are mailed weekly.

Enrollment Services will annotate in our system whether a request has been approved or denied. You may check on the status of your request, or monitor your Account Summary by using myLane to see that a refund or removal of charges has occurred.

Refund Process for students using Tuition Assistance

Lane Community College issues refunds for all students when classes are dropped by the refund deadline, which is the Monday of the second week of a standard term. Students using Tuition Assistance (TA) will be issued a full refund of 100% if classes are dropped by this same deadline. Lane will return 100% of TA funds for students who drop within the first six weeks of the term. After the end of the sixth week of a standard term, the course is considered 60% complete and TA funds will no longer be returned. If the course drop is not due to a military obligation, the student will be responsible for the tuition not covered by the TA.

Students who stop attending due to a military service obligation will be issued a full refund upon submission of documentation that supports required military leave of more than one week.

Date Adopted

Saturday, May 1, 1999

Date Last Reviewed

Tuesday, December 1, 2015
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