
Student Learning and Licensure

Watermark software logoStudent Learning & Licensure

Student Learning & Licensure (SLL) is software that will help us organize and use information from student learning assessment to identify opportunities to increase student success.

We are using Student Learning & Licensure to make it easier for faculty to assess student learning, implement assessment plans, and use the results of assessment to make improvements in teaching and learning. Supporting the important work that faculty do also ensures we meet our commitment to continuous improvement, student success, and accreditation requirements.

See Lane’s Watermark main page for more information.

Student Learning & Licensure is primarily intended for use by faculty who will use the software to help with assessment of student learning. Instructors can provide data about student success, analyze student learning outcomes at multiple levels, and drill down into disaggregated data to gain insights into how they can support students and close equity gaps.

By working with their Faculty Assessment Coordinator and/or their Assessment Liaison, faculty can take an individual approach to course-level assessment or develop standardized course rubrics. Visual representations of the evidence of student learning will help them to gauge student success within or across course sections, elucidate connections between courses, and design interventions to support students.

This data can be used to track the efficacy of changes to instruction, student support, and curriculum development. Programs with external accreditation reporting needs will be able to provide a variety of charts to their reviewers.

Additionally, SLL includes an ePortfolio functionality. Programs that already use ePortfolios (or have interest in implementing them) can learn more about that process by contacting Randy Ware (Faculty Assessment Coordinator). ePortfolios allow for the collection of student artifacts and field experiences, providing them with a valuable tool to showcase their knowledge and experience while in the job market.

Faculty will use the software to:

  • Provide information about student achievement of course outcomes.
  • View aggregated results for course, program/discipline, and institutional outcomes
  • Disaggregate data in meaningful ways to find equity and achievement gaps.
  • Inform changes in instruction, curriculum, and student support.

Faculty can:

  • Easily assess learning wherever it happens (classroom, clinical placements, co-curricular activities)
  • Create flexible assessment and reporting with collaborative development of rubrics
  • Align outcomes at multiple levels (course, program, institution, and national accreditation) to reduce time spent reporting and connecting data
  • Receive robust and knowledgeable support from Lane’s Faculty Assessment Coordinator and liaisons

Description follows This illustration shows the training calendar for the Student Learning and Licensure software product by Watermark. All estimated time frames are based on the calendar year. Training of assessment liaisons and early adopters will happen in fall 2021. Those folks will begin using the system in winter 2022. Training career technical education facilitators and faculty will happen in winter 2022 and they will begin working in the system in spring 2022. The next group to be trained are faculty in fields of study in spring 2022 who will then begin using the software in fall of 2023. From spring 2022 through spring 2023, all stakeholders will be trained and have the chance to use the software. From the beginning of the project through winter 2023 users will have access to ongoing support. For more information see lanecc.edu/PIE/Watermark-software-suite.
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