Department Planning

Department Planning

The annual Department Planning process provides an opportunity for department managers, faculty and staff to reflect on performance relative to department (program review) and college-wide strategic goals and objectives. It provides an organizational structure for departments to engage in meaningful conversations about program performance, make plans for continued improvement, and assess results.

Outcomes of the annual process include identification of meaningful trends/data points, a report on progress toward department goals, establishment of goals for the coming year(s), and project and resource planning, with Vice Presidents throughout the process.

Department Planning Principles

  • Holistic, strategic approach to program improvement
  • Value lies in the process, not the product
  • Broad, regular engagement and dialogue (dept. faculty & staff, dean/director, ED/VP)
  • Balance of consistent frameworks and flexibility
  • Accountability, responsiveness and adaptation
  • Creative and expansive thinking to maximize resources
  • Continuous process; continuity across years   

D​epartment Planning Templates