Department Planning Framework

Department Planning Framework

As illustrated in the graphic below, the centerpiece of Lane’s program- and service-level planning process is Program Review, a self-study process that occurs on a five-year cycle. Program review provides a structure for longer-term strategic planning and in-depth consideration of department-specific and cross-department issues and opportunities. Academic program reviews are led by program faculty and coordinated by the Academic Program Review Oversight Committee (APROC). Student Affairs and Finance & Administration program reviews are led by managers and classified staff. Outcomes of program review include an in-depth assessment of program strengths, opportunities for improvement, aspirations, results (program-specific outcomes and indicators), peer-review feedback, and recommendations for program improvement.

Deptartment Planning Framework graphic

Department Planning is an annual process where Deans & Directors work collaboratively with faculty and staff to review program and institutional data, report on and evaluate outcomes, and develop action plans and goals for the coming year(s).

The overarching vision of Lane’s planning processes are to create organizational structures whereby strategic thinking, strategic and operational planning, and continuous assessment and improvement guide the work and decision making of the college.

Budget Development and Resource Allocation flow from program review and annual department plans, and encompass all funding sources used in budget development to include existing budget, ICP, technology fee, Perkins and other grants, capital outlay, curriculum development, foundation, strategic investment/special projects, and staffing. After considering budget parameters and criteria, departments and project teams submit specific budget proposals and recommendations for consideration and prioritization that are connected directly to their goals and project plans.

Overview of Program/Department Planning Processes

Process Cycle Purpose Responsible Party
Program Review Year-long process occurring every five years Self-study that provides a structure for in-depth assessment and long-term strategic planning Academic Program Review Oversight Committee (academic programs); Academic & Student Affairs and College Services Offices (other programs)
Department Plan Annual process Review of department data, evaluation and assessment of progress toward department goals and outcomes, discussion of institutional priorities,  planning and goal setting for the coming year(s) Department managers in collaboration with faculty and staff
Budget Development and Resource Allocation Annual process (winter/spring) Allocate resources from all available funding sources based upon department plans and prioritized needs Department manager (submit budget plans and recommendations)
Categorical funding committees,
Budget & Finance Subcommittee, Executive Team,
Board of Education (establish criteria and allocate resources)